Diabetes And Its Management
This makes EFA's an important part of your diet. Other sources of these fats are fish and nuts. Most of the fat in my diet comes from a combination of nuts and flax seed oil.
Several scientific studies show that consumption of omega-3 oils leads to a substantially lower risk of death from coronary heart disease.
But now let's talk about the nutritional values of flax seed. They are the best source for Omega 3 fatty acids, which is great for the brain and concentration. Adding flax seeds to your diet can increase your ability to concentrate better and think faster. The types of fats present in the brain influence its structure and function. How well your mind works depends, in the long run, on what you eat.
Besides lignans, flaxseeds and their oil are also the best food sources of an essential fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid. "Essential" means we must consume it, because our bodies cannot manufacture it.
Diabetes and its Management
Diabetes Mellitus is one of the most costly burdensome chronic diseases of our time and is condition that is increasing in epidemic population in the whole world. The complications resulting from the diseases are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality and are associated with failure of various organs such as the eyes, kidneys and nerves. Diabetics are also at a significantly higher risk for coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease and stroke and they have a greater likelihood of having hypertension dyslipidemia and obesity. What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a serious disorder of the glands, of pancreas to be exact, called Madhumeha in Ayurveda. It is one of the most insidious disorders of the metabolism and, if left undiagnosed, may lead to rapid emaciation and ultimately death.
What are the types of Diabetes?
According to Ayurveda Diabetes is of two types: Diabetes Mellitus- Insulin dependent Juvenile Diabetes (IDDM-Type I) in which the body is unable to produce insulin and Non Insulin Dependent Adult Onset Diabetes (NIDDM-Type II) in which the pancreas produces insulin, but it is insufficient for reducing the blood glucose to normal levels.
What are the common symptoms of Type- 1 Diabetes? Some of the common symptoms of Type- 1 Diabetes are:
* Excessive Thirst
* Frequent urination
* Unexplained weight loss
* Irritability
* Weakness
* Fatigue
What are the common symptoms of Type- 2 Diabetes?
Some of the common symptoms of Type- 2 Diabetes are:
* Loss off weight
* Numbness in hands or feet.
* Uncontrolled infections
* Pain in the limbs
* Inflammatory chest infections
* Dimness of vision, contrast
* Excessive thirst
* Body weakness
What are the different tests for Diabetes? Urine Test: Some chemicals are added to a few drops of urine. Colour change indicates presence of glucose in urine.
Blood Test: In this, blood is taken to test the glucose level. This is more accurate test to confirm diabetes
Which parts of my body are affected by Diabetes?
Blood Vessels: Higher level of glucose damage the blood vessels. As a result of this most of the diabetic complications occur in blood vessels. Heart: Diabetes affects the heart by: Increasing the amount of fat in blood and increasing the amount of homocysteine in blood.
Like the omega-3s found in fish, it appears to reduce the risk of heart disease and numerous other ailments.
Human studies have shown that flaxseed can modestly reduce serum total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations, reduce postprandial glucose absorption, decrease some markers of inflammation, and raise serum levels of the omega-3 fatty acids, ALA and eicosapentaenoic acid.
Like most vegetable oils, flaxseed oil contains linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid needed for survival. But unlike most oils, it also contains significant amounts of another essential fatty acid, alpha linolenic acid (ALA). Lignan are molecules with anti-cancer, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial properties. Flax seeds are the richest source of lignans. Diets high in lignans can lead to a lower chance of getting colon, prostate, and breast cancer.
There are many benefits to adding flax seeds to your diet. Well for instance they can get rid of your constipation problem.
Kidney: In diabetes because of increased levels of glucose, kidneys have to do extra work to retain essential substances and separate waste products to produce urine. This affects the small blood vessels and their capacity to filter. After many years of work, it leads to kidney failure. Eyes: Diabetes affects blood vessels of the eyes. Damage to these blood vessels leads to eye problems like: Damage to retina, Cataract or total loss of vision
Foot: Damage to blood vessels reduces blood flow to the feet and increases risk of developing foot ulcers and infections.
Nerves: High glucose level for a long time damages nerves. Nerve damage reduces sensation in some parts of body which may lead to: Numbness and tingling, Fainting and dizziness
How do I know if my diabetes medicines are working?
Learn to test your blood glucose. Ask your doctor about the best testing tools for you and how often to test. After you test your blood glucose, write down your blood glucose test results. Then ask your doctor teacher if your diabetes medicines are working. A good blood glucose reading before meals is between 70 and 140 mg/dL.
Ask your doctor about how low or how high your blood glucose should get before you take action. For many people, blood glucose is too low below 70 mg/dL and too high above 240 mg/dL.
One other number to know is the result of a blood test your doctor does called the A1C. It shows your blood glucose control during the past 2 to 3 months. For most people, the target for A1C is less than 7 percent.
Home Remedies for Diabetes:
The best remedy for this disease is the bitter gourd, better known as karela'. Eat this vegetable as often as you can or have at least one tablespoon of karela juice daily to reduce blood sugar levels in your blood and urine. Flax Seed muffins pregents Cancer? How to do take Flax Seed? Find Flax Seed Recipe today! Omega-3 for health! Amla, due to its vitamin C content is effective in controlling diabetes. A tablespoon of its juice, mixed with a cup of fresh bitter-gourd juice, taken daily for two months will secrete the pancreas and enable it to secrete insulin. Take ten tulsi leaves, ten neem leaves and ten belpatras with a glass of water early morning on an empty stomach. It will work wonders in keeping your sugar levels under control.
The leaves of Butea tree are very useful in diabetes. They reduce blood sugar and are useful in glycousia.
Take two teaspoons of powdered Fenugreek seeds with milk. Two teaspoons of the seeds can also be swallowed whole, daily.
Eat 10 fresh fully grown curry leaves every morning for three months. It prevent diabetes due to heredity factors. It also cures diabetes due to obesity. Cardiovascular disease kills more Americans than the next 7 causes of death combined - including cancer - the AHA report states.
Cancer is less common in communities that eat large amounts of fish, and the reason is thought to be the presence in fish of the long chain omega-3 polyunsaturates.
Flax seed oil is rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an essential fatty acid that appears to be very helpful for heart inflammatory bowel disease, disease, arthritis and a variety of other health conditions.
You want to increase your overall health and energy level. You want to prevent heart disease, cancer, depression and Alzheimer's.
Why is Flaxseed called the miracle food? Find out at http://www.flaxseedfitness.com It only takes 10 to 15 minutes in light and oxygen for the ground up flax seeds to become oxidized and lose it nutritive value.
Several scientific studies show that consumption of omega-3 oils leads to a substantially lower risk of death from coronary heart disease.
But now let's talk about the nutritional values of flax seed. They are the best source for Omega 3 fatty acids, which is great for the brain and concentration. Adding flax seeds to your diet can increase your ability to concentrate better and think faster. The types of fats present in the brain influence its structure and function. How well your mind works depends, in the long run, on what you eat.
Besides lignans, flaxseeds and their oil are also the best food sources of an essential fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid. "Essential" means we must consume it, because our bodies cannot manufacture it.
Diabetes and its Management
Diabetes Mellitus is one of the most costly burdensome chronic diseases of our time and is condition that is increasing in epidemic population in the whole world. The complications resulting from the diseases are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality and are associated with failure of various organs such as the eyes, kidneys and nerves. Diabetics are also at a significantly higher risk for coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease and stroke and they have a greater likelihood of having hypertension dyslipidemia and obesity. What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a serious disorder of the glands, of pancreas to be exact, called Madhumeha in Ayurveda. It is one of the most insidious disorders of the metabolism and, if left undiagnosed, may lead to rapid emaciation and ultimately death.
What are the types of Diabetes?
According to Ayurveda Diabetes is of two types: Diabetes Mellitus- Insulin dependent Juvenile Diabetes (IDDM-Type I) in which the body is unable to produce insulin and Non Insulin Dependent Adult Onset Diabetes (NIDDM-Type II) in which the pancreas produces insulin, but it is insufficient for reducing the blood glucose to normal levels.
What are the common symptoms of Type- 1 Diabetes? Some of the common symptoms of Type- 1 Diabetes are:
* Excessive Thirst
* Frequent urination
* Unexplained weight loss
* Irritability
* Weakness
* Fatigue
What are the common symptoms of Type- 2 Diabetes?
Some of the common symptoms of Type- 2 Diabetes are:
* Loss off weight
* Numbness in hands or feet.
* Uncontrolled infections
* Pain in the limbs
* Inflammatory chest infections
* Dimness of vision, contrast
* Excessive thirst
* Body weakness
What are the different tests for Diabetes? Urine Test: Some chemicals are added to a few drops of urine. Colour change indicates presence of glucose in urine.
Blood Test: In this, blood is taken to test the glucose level. This is more accurate test to confirm diabetes
Which parts of my body are affected by Diabetes?
Blood Vessels: Higher level of glucose damage the blood vessels. As a result of this most of the diabetic complications occur in blood vessels. Heart: Diabetes affects the heart by: Increasing the amount of fat in blood and increasing the amount of homocysteine in blood.
Like the omega-3s found in fish, it appears to reduce the risk of heart disease and numerous other ailments.
Human studies have shown that flaxseed can modestly reduce serum total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations, reduce postprandial glucose absorption, decrease some markers of inflammation, and raise serum levels of the omega-3 fatty acids, ALA and eicosapentaenoic acid.
Like most vegetable oils, flaxseed oil contains linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid needed for survival. But unlike most oils, it also contains significant amounts of another essential fatty acid, alpha linolenic acid (ALA). Lignan are molecules with anti-cancer, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial properties. Flax seeds are the richest source of lignans. Diets high in lignans can lead to a lower chance of getting colon, prostate, and breast cancer.
There are many benefits to adding flax seeds to your diet. Well for instance they can get rid of your constipation problem.
Kidney: In diabetes because of increased levels of glucose, kidneys have to do extra work to retain essential substances and separate waste products to produce urine. This affects the small blood vessels and their capacity to filter. After many years of work, it leads to kidney failure. Eyes: Diabetes affects blood vessels of the eyes. Damage to these blood vessels leads to eye problems like: Damage to retina, Cataract or total loss of vision
Foot: Damage to blood vessels reduces blood flow to the feet and increases risk of developing foot ulcers and infections.
Nerves: High glucose level for a long time damages nerves. Nerve damage reduces sensation in some parts of body which may lead to: Numbness and tingling, Fainting and dizziness
How do I know if my diabetes medicines are working?
Learn to test your blood glucose. Ask your doctor about the best testing tools for you and how often to test. After you test your blood glucose, write down your blood glucose test results. Then ask your doctor teacher if your diabetes medicines are working. A good blood glucose reading before meals is between 70 and 140 mg/dL.
Ask your doctor about how low or how high your blood glucose should get before you take action. For many people, blood glucose is too low below 70 mg/dL and too high above 240 mg/dL.
One other number to know is the result of a blood test your doctor does called the A1C. It shows your blood glucose control during the past 2 to 3 months. For most people, the target for A1C is less than 7 percent.
Home Remedies for Diabetes:
The best remedy for this disease is the bitter gourd, better known as karela'. Eat this vegetable as often as you can or have at least one tablespoon of karela juice daily to reduce blood sugar levels in your blood and urine. Flax Seed muffins pregents Cancer? How to do take Flax Seed? Find Flax Seed Recipe today! Omega-3 for health! Amla, due to its vitamin C content is effective in controlling diabetes. A tablespoon of its juice, mixed with a cup of fresh bitter-gourd juice, taken daily for two months will secrete the pancreas and enable it to secrete insulin. Take ten tulsi leaves, ten neem leaves and ten belpatras with a glass of water early morning on an empty stomach. It will work wonders in keeping your sugar levels under control.
The leaves of Butea tree are very useful in diabetes. They reduce blood sugar and are useful in glycousia.
Take two teaspoons of powdered Fenugreek seeds with milk. Two teaspoons of the seeds can also be swallowed whole, daily.
Eat 10 fresh fully grown curry leaves every morning for three months. It prevent diabetes due to heredity factors. It also cures diabetes due to obesity. Cardiovascular disease kills more Americans than the next 7 causes of death combined - including cancer - the AHA report states.
Cancer is less common in communities that eat large amounts of fish, and the reason is thought to be the presence in fish of the long chain omega-3 polyunsaturates.
Flax seed oil is rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an essential fatty acid that appears to be very helpful for heart inflammatory bowel disease, disease, arthritis and a variety of other health conditions.
You want to increase your overall health and energy level. You want to prevent heart disease, cancer, depression and Alzheimer's.
Why is Flaxseed called the miracle food? Find out at http://www.flaxseedfitness.com It only takes 10 to 15 minutes in light and oxygen for the ground up flax seeds to become oxidized and lose it nutritive value.