How to Make a Good First Impression Over the Phone
- 1). Make sure the phone you plan on having the conversation with has good reception. There's nothing more irritating then trying to get to know someone over the telephone and only being able to hear half the conversation. Avoid using a speaker phone and if you are going to use a headset of some sort make sure the sound is set to a good volume.
- 2). Start, carry on and end the conversation in one place. Be sure the area is quiet and you won't be distracted from the phone call.
- 3). Don't wander through your home as you talk. You run the risk of becoming distracted by item and activities going on around you.
- 4). Be conscience of your breathing. You don't want your first phone call to turn into an obscene one! If you have a cold or allergies, keep tissues close. If you have to cough or blow your nose, say "excuse me" and either mute or cover the receiver first.
- 5). Keep a glass of water close by in case your throat gets dry, but make sure it does not have ice in it. It gives the impression you're drinking a cocktail and it's just loud over the phone.
- 6). Never eat, suck on candy or chew gum.
- 7). Smile as you talk. The smile will come through in your voice and help to put the other party at ease.
- 8). Keep the conversation moving forward. If you are making a statement or answering a question, try to end of a positive note in a way the other person knows you are finished speaking.
- 9). Don't monopolize the conversation and do your best to not talk over the other person. A good conversationalist is also a good listener.
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End the conversation by thanking the person for their time and properly ending the call with a good bye.