If You Study Engineering, Check Out These 39 College Scholarships
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If you're a college student or prospective college student with a passion for engineering, you might qualify for some the scholarships below. There are lots of college dollars out there for students who are ambitious enough to go after them. The awards for these engineering scholarhips range in value from $100 to $41,000. For each scholarship, you'll find links to additional information at Cappex.com, an excellent free website that provides college and scholarship matching services. You can also find a lot more scholarships at Cappex.
Note: As you search through the scholarships, you'll find many that say they are expired. Keep in mind, however, that most of these are annual scholarships, so they will become available again in the coming year. You'll find others that are accepting applications right now.
• Award: $3,000 - $5,000
• Description: Applicants must be minority students majoring in business, engineering, technology, math, or physical science.
• Administered by the American Association of Blacks in Energy
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• Award: varies
• Description: Applicants must be pursuing a degree in engineering, construction management, building construction, computer sciences, business, quantity surveying, or information technology.
• Administered by AACE International
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• Award: varies
• Description: Applicants must be pursuing a degree in engineering.
• Administered by the American Council of Engineering Companies
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• Award: $2,500
• Description: Applicants must be working toward a degree in engineering.
• Administered by the Center for Scholarship Administration
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• Award: $1,000 - $4,000
• Description: Applicants must be planning a scientific or engineering career.
• Administered by the American Council of Independent Laboratories
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• Award: $1,000 - $6,000
• Description: Applicants must be enrolled in an engineering or engineering technology program and demonstrate an interest in railroad engineering.
• Administered by the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association Educational Foundation
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• Award: $7,500
• Description: Applicants must be pursuing a career in math, natural sciences, or engineering.
• Administered by the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation
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• Award: $5,000
• Description: Applicants must be African American students who plan to pursue a degree in engineering, computer science, or select business programs.
• Administered by Blacks at Microsoft
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• Award: $1,500
• Description: Applicants must plan to major in engineering or a related science field.
• Administered by the Society of Automotive Engineers
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• Award: $2,000 - $25,000
• Description: Applicants must be majoring in a course of study that focuses on engineering/technology or select design- and business-related areas.
• Administered by the Buick Achievers Scholarship Program
• Get more information (Cappex)
More Scholarships by Month:January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December
If you're a college student or prospective college student with a passion for engineering, you might qualify for some the scholarships below. There are lots of college dollars out there for students who are ambitious enough to go after them. The awards for these engineering scholarhips range in value from $100 to $41,000. For each scholarship, you'll find links to additional information at Cappex.com, an excellent free website that provides college and scholarship matching services. You can also find a lot more scholarships at Cappex.
Note: As you search through the scholarships, you'll find many that say they are expired. Keep in mind, however, that most of these are annual scholarships, so they will become available again in the coming year. You'll find others that are accepting applications right now.
1. AABE National Scholarships
• Award: $3,000 - $5,000
• Description: Applicants must be minority students majoring in business, engineering, technology, math, or physical science.
• Administered by the American Association of Blacks in Energy
• Get more information (Cappex)
2. AACE International Competitive Scholarship Program
• Award: varies
• Description: Applicants must be pursuing a degree in engineering, construction management, building construction, computer sciences, business, quantity surveying, or information technology.
• Administered by AACE International
• Get more information (Cappex)
3. ACEC Scholarships
• Award: varies
• Description: Applicants must be pursuing a degree in engineering.
• Administered by the American Council of Engineering Companies
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4. Adecco Engineering & Technical Future Engineers Scholarship
• Award: $2,500
• Description: Applicants must be working toward a degree in engineering.
• Administered by the Center for Scholarship Administration
• Get more information (Cappex)
5. American Council of Independent Laboratories Scholarship
• Award: $1,000 - $4,000
• Description: Applicants must be planning a scientific or engineering career.
• Administered by the American Council of Independent Laboratories
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6. AREMA Educational Foundation Scholarship
• Award: $1,000 - $6,000
• Description: Applicants must be enrolled in an engineering or engineering technology program and demonstrate an interest in railroad engineering.
• Administered by the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association Educational Foundation
• Get more information (Cappex)
7. Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program
• Award: $7,500
• Description: Applicants must be pursuing a career in math, natural sciences, or engineering.
• Administered by the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation
• Get more information (Cappex)
8. Blacks at Microsoft Scholarships
• Award: $5,000
• Description: Applicants must be African American students who plan to pursue a degree in engineering, computer science, or select business programs.
• Administered by Blacks at Microsoft
• Get more information (Cappex)
9. BMW/SAE Engineering Scholarship
• Award: $1,500
• Description: Applicants must plan to major in engineering or a related science field.
• Administered by the Society of Automotive Engineers
• Get more information (Cappex)
10. Buick Achievers Scholarship Program
• Award: $2,000 - $25,000
• Description: Applicants must be majoring in a course of study that focuses on engineering/technology or select design- and business-related areas.
• Administered by the Buick Achievers Scholarship Program
• Get more information (Cappex)