How to Change a Microsoft Works Document Into a Word Document
- 1). Open or create a new Works document.
- 2). Click "File," then "Save as." Select a file name and location for the file.
- 3). Select either "Word 97-2003 (*.doc)" or "Word 2007 (*.docx)" in the "Save as type" drop-down menu. Click "Save."
- 1). Open Microsoft Word.
- 2). Click on the "Office" button in the top left corner of the window. Choose "Open."
- 3). Navigate to the location of the Works file you want to open. If you do not see the file, click on the drop-down menu in the lower right corner of the "Open" dialog box. Scroll down the list and select "Works 6.0 - 9.0 (*.wps)." Click once on the Works file, then click "Open."
- 4). Click on the "Office" button again after the Works file is open. Choose "Save As," then either "Word Document" to save in DOCX format or "Word 97-2003" to save in DOC format.
Using Microsoft Works
Using Microsoft Word