Help for Filling Out Immigration Papers
- A licensed immigration attorney can explain immigration forms, assist you with completing paperwork and assemble your immigration packet. An immigration attorney will review and furnish explicit submission instructions---identifying common filing pitfalls that impede paperwork from being processed efficiently.
Should you need representation in court or require ongoing communication with Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS), an immigration attorney can represent you on all legal immigration matters.
Attorney fees vary depending upon the level of assistance, experience and competitive wage in the local area. Generally fees range from $100 to $300 an hour. Some lawyers offer special packet rates, for instance a full visa packet may average $2,000 to $3,000. - If you are unable to pay immigration attorney-type fees, a Board of Immigration Appeals Accredited Representative (BIAAR) can help. These representatives are part of a nonprofit, religious, charitable or social service organization approved and accredited by the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA). Examples of these organizations include Catholic Charities, Refugee and Immigration Service or Immigrant Advocacy Center.
Representatives are not attorneys but have specialized knowledge and background on immigration affairs. Individuals can help with immigration paperwork and package assemblage from these organizations for a nominal fee or donation to their organization. - Some attorneys and qualified individuals provide pro-bono or free immigration paperwork assistance. The U.S. Department of Justice offers a state-by-state list of qualified individuals who can offer assistance with paperwork and package completion.
The majority of these government approved organizations, are nonprofit charities, private attorneys and law school clinics. Some groups or attorneys specialize in certain aspects of the immigration process and not others. The majority of these pro bono groups fall under the same category as BIAAR and immigration attorneys; however the only difference is that they do not charge a fee for their work.
Immigration Attorney
Board of Immigration Appeals Accredited Representatives
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