Description of Fur Seals
- According to the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology's Animal Diversity Web, fur seals' biological taxonomy is as follows: Kingdom: Animalia; Phylum: Chordata; Subphylum: Vertebrata; Class: Mammalia; Order: Carnivora; Suborder: Caniformia; and Family: Otariidae.
- According to Animal Diversity Web, this family includes 14 species in seven genera. Fur seals' seven genera are as follows: Genus Arctocephalus (southern fur seals), Genus Callorhinus (northern fur seal) , Genus Eumetopias (Steller sea lion), Genus Neophoca (Australian sea lion), Genus Otaria (South American sea lion), Genus Phocarctos (New Zealand sea lion), Genus Zalophus (California sea lion).
- Fur seals feed on fish, crustaceans and cephalopods.
- Sea lions can be large have slender and elongated bodies with weight that ranges between 150 kg to over 1,000 kg with males being much larger than females or cows, according to Animal Diversity Web. They have fur and come in shades of brown without stripes or other contrasting marks. The fore flippers are leathery, long and paddle-like and measure more than one-fourth the length of their body. Hind flippers are large. They have small and distinct tails.
- Fur seals are highly social and form large herds, especially during breeding season. Males have harems of three to 40 females per male. According to National Geographic, fur seals "battle their rivals to establish dominance." Mating takes place on land. Females give birth to pups during mating season, from the previous year's breeding season.
Physical Description