How to Make a Squirrel Snare With Nylon String
- 1). Cut a piece of string about 32 inches in length. Tie a small loop into the end of the string, about 1/4-inch in diameter; make certain the loop is secure. A double knot should do the trick. Pass the other end of the string through the loop to create a small noose, about 5 inches in diameter.
- 2). Singe the end of the string with a lighter if it's frayed to prevent further unraveling.
- 3). Tie the line to an anchor, such as an overhang or a stick that has been driven into the ground, then arrange the loop so that it hangs a few inches off the ground. The noose should be about 5 inches in diameter and held upright by an overhanging stick or a small twig driven into the ground as a support.
- 4). Use sticks and other local debris to make a natural funnel that leads into the snare.