Stick People Bulletin Board Ideas
- A stick-figure bulletin board might intrigue viewers by presenting the message in the Hangman game format. This simple word game is played by presenting a word with most of its letters missing; the player then tries to guess the word by adding letters. If the word isn't guessed after a certain number of tries, his stick-figure man is "hanged," and he's out. Draw a stick-figure gallows and a stick figure. Display the word that represents the central theme or message of the bulletin board with several key letters missing. Each day or week, add a new letter to the word to keep viewers guessing until the word is complete. Then add additional educational information in the form of relevant brochures, fliers or board displays that expand on your central message. Titles might include "Don't be left hanging," "Don't rely on guesswork" or "Think fast."
- Choose a simple message for your stick-figure bulletin board, and then divide the board into framed segments. Convey your message by showing stick figures acting it out like a short comic strip. If your message is simple enough, you might not even need captions. For example, if your theme is office fire safety, show a stick figure hearing a fire alarm, rising and running from the building through marked exits. If you want to go for something edgier, you can incorporate humor. For instance, if your message is "employees need to come to work on time," you can show your stick figure clocking in late in three out of four frames; in the fourth frame, he's arriving late at the unemployment office.
- Draw stick figures on your bulletin board that look as if they were drawn by children. This technique is especially attention-getting if your theme is, say, a children's charity fundraiser. Such a board might show stick-figure children getting needed medical care and include an appeal for donations in crayoned letters below. It's also good for a laugh if your theme conveys a warning: for example, if the childish drawing depicts daddy doing the angry dance because the IRS said he hadn't paid his taxes for a long time.
- Universal human stick figures, such as the ones on crosswalks and restrooms, are especially appropriate if your theme is one that addresses public safety. Your board might display replicas of crosswalk signs or signs that warn of weather or other dangers, along with the featured safety message. If you want a more ironic message, you might depict your universal man in more serious danger: running from universal boss (identified by his tie and mallet), universal guard dog or universal woman.
Hangman Theme
Comic Book Format
Children's Art
Universal Figures