God is Extra Existence: ‘The Existence of God' is a false statement: God is the Creator of Exis
‘The Existence of God' is a false statement: God is the Creator of Existence! He is extra existence!
Ascribing a 'state of existence' to God is a false one!
We often here the phrase, ‘ the existence of God', or the question ‘does God exist', or the affirmation, ‘God exist'. We should consider the term ‘existence' by its own significance, connotations and denotations.
To identify God as ‘He is" or ‘He is not' is a false statement, one in the affirmative and one in the negative. But these statements and questions do not represent reality.
The terms to exist, existence, existing refer to something that is, in being.
Now, everything we see and is subject for our empirical experience, which can be verified beyond any doubt by everyone, is considered to be or to exist.
God is unverifiable: A complete mystery and enigma.
Unless you have seen God or heard Him or experienced Him, then you are merely conjecturing about Him.
All what we can observe, or calculate beyond any doubt, is subject to existence. In fact, ‘existence' comprises of what we see and verify, like the universe, galaxies, stars, planets, our solar system, the sun, the moon, our planet earth, all life dimensions on it or within it, animals, flora minerals and all things we have evidence for.
This is identified as knowledge, empirical knowledge. God is not subject to no empirical knowledge. He is in the domain of metaphysics. We either believe He is there or not.
All that is subject to our knowledge exists therefore, according to the human criterion of thinking.
Whatever we see is therefore exists. Existence of thing is measured by its dimensions, that can be verified. Measures and features like the three dimensions of length, breadth and depth. A fourth dimension is added and it is the time dimension.
Thus, existence of an object depends totally on what we perceive of it and can calculate, since atoms, and microscopic things cannot be seen with the naked eye but can be verified and calculated.
This gives the object is identifiant character defining its being in existence.
Everything observable is subject to this.
In order for things, or objects, to be or exist they have to be brought into existence. Our observation of the universe, at the present time, concludes a singularity of coming into being. The eternality of the universe does not exclude this idea. Things had to be brought into being. Whether there is a life cycle for everything, as it appears to be, is another thing. But life cycles assert that things were not and then they were.
If this is the reality of things then there ought to be something or someone who brings things about and then takes them away. This is identified as God in metaphysics and in religious texts.
If we do accept this logic then God is certainly not an object that is brought into existence or into being. Furthermore, God is not subject to dimensions of existing. For he has no dimensions of length, breadth, depth or time.
In other words, God is extra place and time. He is not a material dimension in Time. He is extra-existence or extra-being.
God is not subject to material existence which all things that we observe are. Thus, God is excluded from dimensions of matter and time. He is the creator of matter and its dimensions. The universe was not there and He brought it about. For this, He is outside this universe and is not submitted to measurements. We cannot limit God to time, space, place or matter. He is extra all these dimensions and identifications.
Our criterion of existence or being is limited by our own identification and definition.
Thus, to identify God as ‘He exists' or ‘He does not exist' is false. Nothing is self-made. There must have a cause=creator to be in existence.
God is not subject to existence but is the maker and creator of existence.
Ascribing a 'state of existence' to God is a false one!
We often here the phrase, ‘ the existence of God', or the question ‘does God exist', or the affirmation, ‘God exist'. We should consider the term ‘existence' by its own significance, connotations and denotations.
To identify God as ‘He is" or ‘He is not' is a false statement, one in the affirmative and one in the negative. But these statements and questions do not represent reality.
The terms to exist, existence, existing refer to something that is, in being.
Now, everything we see and is subject for our empirical experience, which can be verified beyond any doubt by everyone, is considered to be or to exist.
God is unverifiable: A complete mystery and enigma.
Unless you have seen God or heard Him or experienced Him, then you are merely conjecturing about Him.
All what we can observe, or calculate beyond any doubt, is subject to existence. In fact, ‘existence' comprises of what we see and verify, like the universe, galaxies, stars, planets, our solar system, the sun, the moon, our planet earth, all life dimensions on it or within it, animals, flora minerals and all things we have evidence for.
This is identified as knowledge, empirical knowledge. God is not subject to no empirical knowledge. He is in the domain of metaphysics. We either believe He is there or not.
All that is subject to our knowledge exists therefore, according to the human criterion of thinking.
Whatever we see is therefore exists. Existence of thing is measured by its dimensions, that can be verified. Measures and features like the three dimensions of length, breadth and depth. A fourth dimension is added and it is the time dimension.
Thus, existence of an object depends totally on what we perceive of it and can calculate, since atoms, and microscopic things cannot be seen with the naked eye but can be verified and calculated.
This gives the object is identifiant character defining its being in existence.
Everything observable is subject to this.
In order for things, or objects, to be or exist they have to be brought into existence. Our observation of the universe, at the present time, concludes a singularity of coming into being. The eternality of the universe does not exclude this idea. Things had to be brought into being. Whether there is a life cycle for everything, as it appears to be, is another thing. But life cycles assert that things were not and then they were.
If this is the reality of things then there ought to be something or someone who brings things about and then takes them away. This is identified as God in metaphysics and in religious texts.
If we do accept this logic then God is certainly not an object that is brought into existence or into being. Furthermore, God is not subject to dimensions of existing. For he has no dimensions of length, breadth, depth or time.
In other words, God is extra place and time. He is not a material dimension in Time. He is extra-existence or extra-being.
God is not subject to material existence which all things that we observe are. Thus, God is excluded from dimensions of matter and time. He is the creator of matter and its dimensions. The universe was not there and He brought it about. For this, He is outside this universe and is not submitted to measurements. We cannot limit God to time, space, place or matter. He is extra all these dimensions and identifications.
Our criterion of existence or being is limited by our own identification and definition.
Thus, to identify God as ‘He exists' or ‘He does not exist' is false. Nothing is self-made. There must have a cause=creator to be in existence.
God is not subject to existence but is the maker and creator of existence.