You"ll Discover How Understanding Your Troubled Relationship Can Save it
Imagine what it would be like to eliminate the confusion and uncertainty in your relationship.
If you are like me, you have mixed feelings about where your relationship is at and so you are not being completely honest with yourself.
Fear of the unknown can be overwhelming, but recognizing that your relationship is in trouble and getting straight to the heart of it and discovering your real feelings can bring back the love you once knew.
Once you have seen the signs and acknowledged that there is in fact a problem, the next step is for you to decide what you really want and what you really do not want in the relationship.
Obviously, things like cheating, abuse, and being taken for granted are more than likely high on the list of things you don't want.
Hopefully the things you do want in your relationship are already being seen at times, this will help get to a point where more of the things you decide you really want to have in your relationship will come a little easier.
These may be things like honesty, more time together, and intellectual conversation.
You are in control.
When your lists are complete, take a good look at those lists and your current relationship to determine if you are happy with the direction you are going or if you need to make some changes.
Look also at your partner and try to determine if they truly are willing and able to work with you to change what needs to be changed in your relationship and move toward a better future.
If most things and your relationship overall are just not good, it may be a good idea for you and your partner separating for awhile.
Time alone will give you both a chance to focus more closely on your relationship so that you can evaluate where you are at.
Some things are just not meant to be.
If you discover that the two of you would be better apart, the relationship should probably come to an end.
It's true what they say about there being someone out there for everyone, so don't get discouraged.
On the other hand, if you both feel that you can work together and make things work, you must be sure to communicate openly and honestly.
It will be a long hard road if you can't give each other at least this much.
When you see trouble in your relationship, it does not automatically guarantee the end of it.
It just means that you both need to work together and follow a plan to work out your problems and move forward for a better future together.
If you are like me, you have mixed feelings about where your relationship is at and so you are not being completely honest with yourself.
Fear of the unknown can be overwhelming, but recognizing that your relationship is in trouble and getting straight to the heart of it and discovering your real feelings can bring back the love you once knew.
Once you have seen the signs and acknowledged that there is in fact a problem, the next step is for you to decide what you really want and what you really do not want in the relationship.
Obviously, things like cheating, abuse, and being taken for granted are more than likely high on the list of things you don't want.
Hopefully the things you do want in your relationship are already being seen at times, this will help get to a point where more of the things you decide you really want to have in your relationship will come a little easier.
These may be things like honesty, more time together, and intellectual conversation.
You are in control.
When your lists are complete, take a good look at those lists and your current relationship to determine if you are happy with the direction you are going or if you need to make some changes.
Look also at your partner and try to determine if they truly are willing and able to work with you to change what needs to be changed in your relationship and move toward a better future.
If most things and your relationship overall are just not good, it may be a good idea for you and your partner separating for awhile.
Time alone will give you both a chance to focus more closely on your relationship so that you can evaluate where you are at.
Some things are just not meant to be.
If you discover that the two of you would be better apart, the relationship should probably come to an end.
It's true what they say about there being someone out there for everyone, so don't get discouraged.
On the other hand, if you both feel that you can work together and make things work, you must be sure to communicate openly and honestly.
It will be a long hard road if you can't give each other at least this much.
When you see trouble in your relationship, it does not automatically guarantee the end of it.
It just means that you both need to work together and follow a plan to work out your problems and move forward for a better future together.