5 Surprisingly Effective Home Security Measures
There are quite a few ways you can improve your home security situation.
Some of these ways are actually surprisingly effective and easy to deploy.
Try any of the following 5 measures and your home will be safeguarded.
In order to get the most protection, you'll probably want to use them all, or at least use more than one.
It's no secret to anyone that criminals don't want to get caught.
They want to sneak up on your house, take some stuff, and be on their merry way.
The best way to conceal their illegal actions is to perform them at night time when no one can see them prowling around.
Therefore, one of the best home security measures you can implement involves taking that advantage away from them.
Try installing motion-activated flood lights around your home.
As soon as any criminal tries to sneak up on your house, their actions will be illuminated for all to see.
They'll probably take off running at that point.
It's surprising to many people that a criminal may often just try to go in through your front door.
They'll opt to go that route because it will arouse less suspicion and it may not actually be all that hard for them, especially if you have old locks.
Like any other mechanical device, locks can get worn down, which means that after a while they may be fairly easy to manipulate.
If you want to make sure that no one is going to enter through your front door while you're home unless you want them to, you'll install a deadbolt and use it.
There is no way of tampering with it from the outside short of breaking down your door.
Surprising to some but not most, dogs make great additions to your home security.
They possess heightened senses of smell and hearing.
They're also extremely territorial and protective.
All that added together means that once they are placed in your home for a while, they'll protect it using their fine-tuned senses to detect any potential intruders.
They also make great companions in general.
Just make sure to train your dog to be obedient while it's young, as they can be much harder to control when they get older.
Sometimes a criminal will scope out your home many times before going through with their crime.
That's when your own little home surveillance system can come in extremely handy.
You can place a camera that monitors your front and back yards 24 hours a day.
It wouldn't be all that expensive and it could be really useful, especially if a criminal attempts or completes a crime.
With such a system, you could help track them down.
Another great way to protect your home is having a professional home alarm system installed at your residence.
You'll have all sorts of intrusion detection technology that your alarm company will be monitoring 24 hours a day.
As soon as the advanced system detects an intrusion, the police will be dispatched to your home.
The surprisingly effective part often comes from the fact that criminals will not even attempt to steal from your house when they see that alarm company sign posted out front.
Some of these ways are actually surprisingly effective and easy to deploy.
Try any of the following 5 measures and your home will be safeguarded.
In order to get the most protection, you'll probably want to use them all, or at least use more than one.
It's no secret to anyone that criminals don't want to get caught.
They want to sneak up on your house, take some stuff, and be on their merry way.
The best way to conceal their illegal actions is to perform them at night time when no one can see them prowling around.
Therefore, one of the best home security measures you can implement involves taking that advantage away from them.
Try installing motion-activated flood lights around your home.
As soon as any criminal tries to sneak up on your house, their actions will be illuminated for all to see.
They'll probably take off running at that point.
It's surprising to many people that a criminal may often just try to go in through your front door.
They'll opt to go that route because it will arouse less suspicion and it may not actually be all that hard for them, especially if you have old locks.
Like any other mechanical device, locks can get worn down, which means that after a while they may be fairly easy to manipulate.
If you want to make sure that no one is going to enter through your front door while you're home unless you want them to, you'll install a deadbolt and use it.
There is no way of tampering with it from the outside short of breaking down your door.
Surprising to some but not most, dogs make great additions to your home security.
They possess heightened senses of smell and hearing.
They're also extremely territorial and protective.
All that added together means that once they are placed in your home for a while, they'll protect it using their fine-tuned senses to detect any potential intruders.
They also make great companions in general.
Just make sure to train your dog to be obedient while it's young, as they can be much harder to control when they get older.
Sometimes a criminal will scope out your home many times before going through with their crime.
That's when your own little home surveillance system can come in extremely handy.
You can place a camera that monitors your front and back yards 24 hours a day.
It wouldn't be all that expensive and it could be really useful, especially if a criminal attempts or completes a crime.
With such a system, you could help track them down.
Another great way to protect your home is having a professional home alarm system installed at your residence.
You'll have all sorts of intrusion detection technology that your alarm company will be monitoring 24 hours a day.
As soon as the advanced system detects an intrusion, the police will be dispatched to your home.
The surprisingly effective part often comes from the fact that criminals will not even attempt to steal from your house when they see that alarm company sign posted out front.