Three Things to Consider First When Planning a Home Office
Where do you begin? Well, first, consider what part of the house you will set up your office in.
Personally, and many other practical self-employed entrepreneur, I use the living room for an office.
The reason is because it is the first room you come into from the entrance.
This makes it more business and professional for your visitors (and your friends and family who often don't take you seriously if you work from home).
It is also good for you as you come and go in your business activities to enter into your office as you open the front door.
It gives you the feeling of real office and lets you take care of the business matters right away as you make your way to your domestic area of the house.
And using the living room also eliminates going through the personal belongings of a house, or the children's toys and activities, etc.
, in order to get to the office area.
If you cannot use the living room for whatever reason, or if you don't need to use it because you will not have business visitors, then you can look for the most practical place that you have for your purpose.
Wherever you chose to set up your home office, there are three things you need to consider first when planning a home office area: 1.
As you look at what area you should use, put these three items in your thought.
Some questions to ask yourself: What tasks will I be performing.
Will I be drawing, computing, drafting, building, sewing, telephoning, etc.
What will help me accomplish the tasks I'll be doing? Will I need a drafting table, a computer, work tables, printers, etc.
When will I be working? During the day, at night, both (I often get up at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night and come down to my office and work till 7 or 8 am, then have breakfast and go back to work.
For this, I need to have good lighting over my computer and desk area.
So you need overall lighting as well as lighting over the work area.
For during the day, make best use of your natural light by placing your most important work area near the window.
But consider your equipment so that you don't end up for example with the light glaring on to your computer screen.
Are there enough electrical outlets for all the operating equipment? Consider the placement of your equipment to make the electrical connection as easy as possible.
For example, I always make sure to place my desk in such a way so that I can get to the back of my computer.
I have found over the years this to be an issue whenever I've had to upgrade or fix computer equipment.
You need to be able to get to the back panels or electrical power cords which usually accommodate other lighting and telephony equipment, printers etc.
And make sure you don't over power any electrical outlet.
Spread it around and make sure it's not all on the same circuit breaker.
Your home office area may require additional outlets which is a safer bet than to many extension cords.
Who else must be accommodated in the room? Will there be someone else working with me? Will I be seeing salespeople, customers, prospects? Will I have a bookkeeper coming in part-time? Think of all these things because you will have to set-up an area either within the room or just outside close by.
Does the space suit your habits or personality? Do you privacy or do you prefer to be accessible to your family? Are you more at easy with a casual environment or do you feel better in a more formal surrounding.
Once you've outlined your preferred requirements, make your home office a pleasant workplace.
Chose a decorating style from country and traditional to contemporary.
Your choice of furniture and accessories will highlight these styles.
You can have a mix of casual and formal by placing one major furniture as a focus point that carries the primary style.
For example, a large antique breakfront for your books, with a contemporary desk and a traditional looking chair, would make a statement of personal formality and professionalism.
Select furnishings and details you enjoy.
Include some history.
Set out some family photos, award items, travel souvenirs that will show up your personality.
Mix texture to soften the look.
Use fabric-covered panels behind a laminate desk to absorb outside noises.
Leave windows clear of curtains and drapes in order to let as much light as possible in.
Use clean, bright and light paint and colors to give maximum lighting and space.
Bring your preferred accent colors in your furniture and accessories.
Allow room for expansion.
You may have to add storage, working space etc.
Make sure the place you pick has some area within or adjacent for this.
And last but not least, consider your personal influence within that home office environment.
Your personal presentation.
Dress for success.
I always cringe when I hear those who try to entice you to get into Internet business because you can "work in your pyjamas".
Right, give me a break.
Business is serious business.
You could lose your shirt if you're not in the proper frame of mind at any time.
Success requires self-discipline.
Even if you are at home, dress for business.
You never know when someone might call on you to do business.
Always be ready.
It is a fact that when we are appropriately dressed we feel better, talk better and work better.
It affects the whole psyche and it is a good habit for yourself and a good example for others who follow.
I'll have more to share on home office planning and makeover in future articles.
Personally, and many other practical self-employed entrepreneur, I use the living room for an office.
The reason is because it is the first room you come into from the entrance.
This makes it more business and professional for your visitors (and your friends and family who often don't take you seriously if you work from home).
It is also good for you as you come and go in your business activities to enter into your office as you open the front door.
It gives you the feeling of real office and lets you take care of the business matters right away as you make your way to your domestic area of the house.
And using the living room also eliminates going through the personal belongings of a house, or the children's toys and activities, etc.
, in order to get to the office area.
If you cannot use the living room for whatever reason, or if you don't need to use it because you will not have business visitors, then you can look for the most practical place that you have for your purpose.
Wherever you chose to set up your home office, there are three things you need to consider first when planning a home office area: 1.
As you look at what area you should use, put these three items in your thought.
Some questions to ask yourself: What tasks will I be performing.
Will I be drawing, computing, drafting, building, sewing, telephoning, etc.
What will help me accomplish the tasks I'll be doing? Will I need a drafting table, a computer, work tables, printers, etc.
When will I be working? During the day, at night, both (I often get up at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night and come down to my office and work till 7 or 8 am, then have breakfast and go back to work.
For this, I need to have good lighting over my computer and desk area.
So you need overall lighting as well as lighting over the work area.
For during the day, make best use of your natural light by placing your most important work area near the window.
But consider your equipment so that you don't end up for example with the light glaring on to your computer screen.
Are there enough electrical outlets for all the operating equipment? Consider the placement of your equipment to make the electrical connection as easy as possible.
For example, I always make sure to place my desk in such a way so that I can get to the back of my computer.
I have found over the years this to be an issue whenever I've had to upgrade or fix computer equipment.
You need to be able to get to the back panels or electrical power cords which usually accommodate other lighting and telephony equipment, printers etc.
And make sure you don't over power any electrical outlet.
Spread it around and make sure it's not all on the same circuit breaker.
Your home office area may require additional outlets which is a safer bet than to many extension cords.
Who else must be accommodated in the room? Will there be someone else working with me? Will I be seeing salespeople, customers, prospects? Will I have a bookkeeper coming in part-time? Think of all these things because you will have to set-up an area either within the room or just outside close by.
Does the space suit your habits or personality? Do you privacy or do you prefer to be accessible to your family? Are you more at easy with a casual environment or do you feel better in a more formal surrounding.
Once you've outlined your preferred requirements, make your home office a pleasant workplace.
Chose a decorating style from country and traditional to contemporary.
Your choice of furniture and accessories will highlight these styles.
You can have a mix of casual and formal by placing one major furniture as a focus point that carries the primary style.
For example, a large antique breakfront for your books, with a contemporary desk and a traditional looking chair, would make a statement of personal formality and professionalism.
Select furnishings and details you enjoy.
Include some history.
Set out some family photos, award items, travel souvenirs that will show up your personality.
Mix texture to soften the look.
Use fabric-covered panels behind a laminate desk to absorb outside noises.
Leave windows clear of curtains and drapes in order to let as much light as possible in.
Use clean, bright and light paint and colors to give maximum lighting and space.
Bring your preferred accent colors in your furniture and accessories.
Allow room for expansion.
You may have to add storage, working space etc.
Make sure the place you pick has some area within or adjacent for this.
And last but not least, consider your personal influence within that home office environment.
Your personal presentation.
Dress for success.
I always cringe when I hear those who try to entice you to get into Internet business because you can "work in your pyjamas".
Right, give me a break.
Business is serious business.
You could lose your shirt if you're not in the proper frame of mind at any time.
Success requires self-discipline.
Even if you are at home, dress for business.
You never know when someone might call on you to do business.
Always be ready.
It is a fact that when we are appropriately dressed we feel better, talk better and work better.
It affects the whole psyche and it is a good habit for yourself and a good example for others who follow.
I'll have more to share on home office planning and makeover in future articles.