The Perfect Gift For Unorganized Friends
Sometimes it is kind of difficult to find the right gift for a particular person.
No matter how hard you try it seems as though that special item is just eluding you.
Well, a labeling machine might not be the most special gift but it sure is a very handy gift especially if some friends need a bit of organizing in their lives.
Consider these four tips when buying a machine which your friends can use to organize their office or home.
It will make the process easier and ensure that you buy a quality product.
Do not forget to add a very nice birthday card with an awesome message with this gift.
Some friends are a bit touchy receiving non ordinary presents or presents they perceive might convey a hidden message.
Tip #1.
Power Source.
It is recommended to find a machine that uses an internal chargeable NiMh battery.
It will thus not be necessary to buy batteries every few months and having an internal rechargeable battery will bring mobility into the picture.
It will be possible to move the labeling machine to other locations and continue with work there.
Choosing only AC as power source will place a limitation on the mobility factor.
Tip #2.
There are normally 2 types of keyboards in use the QWERTY and ABC type keyboard.
Whatever you choose in this regard is not that important.
If you know what your friend prefer great.
The import thing to remember is to buy a labeling machine with a keyboard that will be easy to work with.
Bear in mind the finger size of the intended recipient.
Slender fingers are not a challenge.
It is normally the person with fingers the size of bananas that have a problem operating the machine.
Tip #3.
Have a look at the features of the particular product you intend to give as a present.
Giving a labeling machine which still uses a dial disk at the top with the alphabet on might not be such a good idea.
The recipient might get the idea that you are stingy.
There are great products available that do not cost an arm and a leg with superb features.
The minimum features must be at least rich text, different fonts, bold, underline and italics.
Tip #4.
Navigation and Memory.
This is not the most important feature to add on the list but for sure is a nice to have.
If it is easy to navigate through the menu it will enhance the user experience and make it a pleasure to work with.
If the labeling machine has on board memory available it will make it so much easier to use.
Frequently used tags can be stored and will not have to be typed again every time.
Having access to memory will make it easier to save frequently printed tags.
No matter how hard you try it seems as though that special item is just eluding you.
Well, a labeling machine might not be the most special gift but it sure is a very handy gift especially if some friends need a bit of organizing in their lives.
Consider these four tips when buying a machine which your friends can use to organize their office or home.
It will make the process easier and ensure that you buy a quality product.
Do not forget to add a very nice birthday card with an awesome message with this gift.
Some friends are a bit touchy receiving non ordinary presents or presents they perceive might convey a hidden message.
Tip #1.
Power Source.
It is recommended to find a machine that uses an internal chargeable NiMh battery.
It will thus not be necessary to buy batteries every few months and having an internal rechargeable battery will bring mobility into the picture.
It will be possible to move the labeling machine to other locations and continue with work there.
Choosing only AC as power source will place a limitation on the mobility factor.
Tip #2.
There are normally 2 types of keyboards in use the QWERTY and ABC type keyboard.
Whatever you choose in this regard is not that important.
If you know what your friend prefer great.
The import thing to remember is to buy a labeling machine with a keyboard that will be easy to work with.
Bear in mind the finger size of the intended recipient.
Slender fingers are not a challenge.
It is normally the person with fingers the size of bananas that have a problem operating the machine.
Tip #3.
Have a look at the features of the particular product you intend to give as a present.
Giving a labeling machine which still uses a dial disk at the top with the alphabet on might not be such a good idea.
The recipient might get the idea that you are stingy.
There are great products available that do not cost an arm and a leg with superb features.
The minimum features must be at least rich text, different fonts, bold, underline and italics.
Tip #4.
Navigation and Memory.
This is not the most important feature to add on the list but for sure is a nice to have.
If it is easy to navigate through the menu it will enhance the user experience and make it a pleasure to work with.
If the labeling machine has on board memory available it will make it so much easier to use.
Frequently used tags can be stored and will not have to be typed again every time.
Having access to memory will make it easier to save frequently printed tags.