Little Known Facts About the Lifespan of a Betta Fish
The lifespan of a Betta fish a very interesting topic.
Betta's originally come from southeast Asia.
The appearance of these fish is quite beautiful.
Not much care is required for these tropical pets.
Be sure to follow the basic guidelines.
These are: Keep the tank clean Feed them at least every two days Betta's are very cheap, and they can be found in all sorts of colors.
In fact, you can even breed them to achieve a certain color combination.
Be sure to keep them isolated from other fish as they will fight to the death.
I'm sure you don't want that! A healthy Betta should live between 2-4 years.
However, many people have reported their fish to live up to 8 years.
One thing that they do during breeding season is create nests with their saliva bubbles.
In fact, the males can be of great help during this long process.
It's pretty cool to watch, as they dance, and sway to attract the attention of the females.
Part of the fathers duties are to take care of the eggs.
They will protect the eggs by holding them in their mouths.
Be sure to remove the male from the tank after the breeding has stopped.
This is because the females will kill the males.
You might want to purchase an extra tank to hold the male after breeding is done.
An option that I suggest is to purchase a tank that has a divider.
That way, the fish can still see each other.
For a few weeks the male Betta will actually care for the babies.
He'll even take care of the actual nest.
This can be fun to watch if you're a Betta lover.
These fish would also make great gifts.
Transporting these fish is very easy to do.
These perfect companions are not loud and obnoxious like most pets.
If you enjoy observing nature in action, these pets are great.
If you do purchase a Betta fish, be sure to get all necessary items.
A water heater, water filter, and food are required.
An interesting fact about these fish is that they get their oxygen from the surface of the water.
Their bodies are designed for this.
With that being said, it would be wise to allow access to the surface, as they will die if you not.
Keep in mind that covering the tank will reduce the amount of air that enters the tank.
If you follow the above guidelines, you can greatly increase the lifespan of a Betta fish.
Betta's originally come from southeast Asia.
The appearance of these fish is quite beautiful.
Not much care is required for these tropical pets.
Be sure to follow the basic guidelines.
These are: Keep the tank clean Feed them at least every two days Betta's are very cheap, and they can be found in all sorts of colors.
In fact, you can even breed them to achieve a certain color combination.
Be sure to keep them isolated from other fish as they will fight to the death.
I'm sure you don't want that! A healthy Betta should live between 2-4 years.
However, many people have reported their fish to live up to 8 years.
One thing that they do during breeding season is create nests with their saliva bubbles.
In fact, the males can be of great help during this long process.
It's pretty cool to watch, as they dance, and sway to attract the attention of the females.
Part of the fathers duties are to take care of the eggs.
They will protect the eggs by holding them in their mouths.
Be sure to remove the male from the tank after the breeding has stopped.
This is because the females will kill the males.
You might want to purchase an extra tank to hold the male after breeding is done.
An option that I suggest is to purchase a tank that has a divider.
That way, the fish can still see each other.
For a few weeks the male Betta will actually care for the babies.
He'll even take care of the actual nest.
This can be fun to watch if you're a Betta lover.
These fish would also make great gifts.
Transporting these fish is very easy to do.
These perfect companions are not loud and obnoxious like most pets.
If you enjoy observing nature in action, these pets are great.
If you do purchase a Betta fish, be sure to get all necessary items.
A water heater, water filter, and food are required.
An interesting fact about these fish is that they get their oxygen from the surface of the water.
Their bodies are designed for this.
With that being said, it would be wise to allow access to the surface, as they will die if you not.
Keep in mind that covering the tank will reduce the amount of air that enters the tank.
If you follow the above guidelines, you can greatly increase the lifespan of a Betta fish.