How to Make Glass Beaded Curtains
- 1). Measure your doorway or window. You can use beaded curtains for a variety of uses so the areas where you put on are endless.
- 2). Decide how you want the curtain to look. First determine how far above the ground you want the beads to extend. This will give you the length of the curtain. Then decide how close together you want each strand to be. You can place the bead strands close together, every half inch, or far apart. Use this to determine how many stands of beads you are going to use.
- 3). Cut your fishing line the length you want the curtain plus 6 inches. The extra will give you room to tie knots and hang each beaded strand.
- 4). Take one bead and slip it to one end of the fishing line and tie a knot around the bead. The bead will help hide the knot and hold the rest of the beads.
- 5). String the beads onto the fishing line until the strand is the length that you want for the curtain.
- 6). Knot the end of the fishing line to secure the beads.
- 7). Repeat Steps 3 through 6 to make all the strands of the beaded curtain.