Travel Etiquette: The Dos and Don't s of Traveling With Kids
Traveling isn't the most fun thing in the world to do, and if you're traveling with children, then the task becomes that much more difficult and daunting. There are so many different things you have to keep track of, including the kids themselves. And you want to make sure that you're not being rude—that you're following the proper travel etiquette. The following tips will help to make your traveling experience a bit more manageable—and a whole lot more full of proper etiquette.
If you're on the other end of the spectrum and you're traveling without kids, but you see that some serious travel etiquette rules are being violated (for example, if little Johnny won't stop kicking the back of your seat in the airplane), don't feel as though you can't speak up. Try speaking directly to the child and asking him or her to stop. If that doesn't work, talk to the parent and see if he or she will do something to put a stop to it.
Traveling with kids is a little tough especially if they are really naughty or stubborn. It is important that we know how to manage the situation and how to deal with them. They must be reprimanded properly so they will know what's right and wrong. They must realize that they are not the only people on the plane and that proper behavior is very necessary.
What other travel etiquette tips and tricks would you like to share with fellow parent travelers?
Do your best to book your flight early in the day. Generally, kids are more cooperative and better behaved earlier in the day, so this will give you peace of mind while also helping your fellow passengers to avoid becoming grumpy or bothered by your child's behavior.
Bring gum for your child to chew during take-off and landing. The air pressure changes during these points of a flight, and that can irritate your child's ears. When they chew gum, they'll swallow quite a bit, helping to ease the issue—and to keep them happy, minus screams or sobbing.
When it comes to amusing games and toys, you can never pack too many. Don't let your child know all of the activities that you've brought along. Instead, bring them out slowly and gradually throughout the flight. This will keep them active and busy so that they're less likely to become cranky and restless.
If you're on the other end of the spectrum and you're traveling without kids, but you see that some serious travel etiquette rules are being violated (for example, if little Johnny won't stop kicking the back of your seat in the airplane), don't feel as though you can't speak up. Try speaking directly to the child and asking him or her to stop. If that doesn't work, talk to the parent and see if he or she will do something to put a stop to it.
Traveling with kids is a little tough especially if they are really naughty or stubborn. It is important that we know how to manage the situation and how to deal with them. They must be reprimanded properly so they will know what's right and wrong. They must realize that they are not the only people on the plane and that proper behavior is very necessary.
What other travel etiquette tips and tricks would you like to share with fellow parent travelers?