How to Polish Gem Stones
- 1). The best method to polish gem stones is to purchase a rock tumbler. You will find that these are available in a wide range of price and quality. For smaller projects, a rock tumbler made for children is a quick and easy way to polish gem stones.
- 2). If you want to save money, you can made your own rock tumbler at home. Begin by finding a sturdy plastic jar and fill it about a fourth full with sand.
- 3). After you have the sand in your jar, pour in water. Fill the jar until the water level is just above the sand level.
- 4). Now, you can add your gem stones. Made sure that you do not add too many, because the more you add, the less room there is to polish each stone.
- 5). cap the jar tightly with a lid. To prevent water from leaking out, make sure to reinforce the seal with duct tape.
- 6). Once the jar is prepared, begin shaking the jar. You can shake it or roll it around on the ground, as long as the sand and rocks inside are moving. In a couple of weeks you will have finely polished gem stones.