Dealing With The Loneliness Of Working At Home
What they fail to consider are the drawbacks that come with doing so.
Sure, there is the freedom to create your own schedule, but it can also mean a high level of isolation.
While everything seems great at first, the bloom can soon wear off the rose with no-one to interact with.
All the things that you took for granted in your "real job" are gone when you work from home.
There are no casual chats by the water tower and no brainstorming sessions with co-workers.
Women in particular seem to struggle with that isolation as it is they who hold relationships in a higher regard.
Studies have actually shown that women have a real fear of isolation, more so than anything else.
It's that sense of loneliness that is the number one reason women quit their home business.
There are solutions to the problem though, and here are a few that may help: 1.
FORMING PARTNERSHIPS The easiest solution is to not head into your business venture alone.
That doesn't just mean forming a partnership with anyone, and you'll want to make sure that the person you choose shares the same vision as you.
That's not the only partnership option out there though and there are others to consider.
Instead of bringing someone in on your business idea, you could choose different folks for different projects.
You might also want to look into joining a team that already has a business plan in action.
Another option that is becoming very popular is consortiums, where you team up with other non-competitive businesses in order to corner a specific market.
Running your own business doesn't necessarily mean that you have to work out of the home.
Sharing an office space is one way to go, or you could also work out of a friend's home office.
There are also co-working locations springing up all over the country where solo entrepreneurs, freelancers, and contractors gather together to work in a shared space but, still have their own business entities.
Much of your work may be done online, which basically means you can work anywhere that has a Wi-Fi connection.
In order to figure out which scenario will work best for you, start by identifying some people you would like to connect with and discuss your ideas with them.
BUILD A SUPPORT SYSTEM Check and see if there is a group that holds regular networking meetings in your area, as that is a great way to mix and mingle.
When you do that, be sure to get to know your peers rather than just focusing your attention of potential clients.
If the tone of those groups seems a little too casual, then you may want to find success teams or action groups that offer a more structured approach to their meetings.
I the thought of group meetings seem overwhelming you can always opt to go on-on-one.
It's not uncommon for business professionals to seek out a life coach or business coach.
Having someone to share your highs and lows with can really help you focus on the job at hand.
The best advice you can ever hope to receive is from someone who has already walked in your shoes.
Try to find someone whose work you truly admire and ask them if they would be willing to mentor you in your business efforts.
BUILD & MAINTAIN YOUR FRIENDSHIPS Instead of sitting at a desk talking to prospective clients on the phone, take the time to meet them for coffee or lunch.
Those meeting could easily lead to you developing a relationship with those clients, allowing for a less rigid form of doing business.
Just be sure to keep the meetings to locations that are business appropriate.
You need to subscribe to the notion that all work and no play is unhealthy.
Plan days off into your schedule and use that free time to get out of the house and meet friends.
What they fail to consider are the drawbacks that come with doing so.
Sure, there is the freedom to create your own schedule, but it can also mean a high level of isolation.
While everything seems great at first, the bloom can soon wear off the rose with no-one to interact with.
All the things that you took for granted in your "real job" are gone when you work from home.
There are no casual chats by the water tower and no brainstorming sessions with co-workers.
Women in particular seem to struggle with that isolation as it is they who hold relationships in a higher regard.
Studies have actually shown that women have a real fear of isolation, more so than anything else.
It's that sense of loneliness that is the number one reason women quit their home business.
There are solutions to the problem though, and here are a few that may help: 1.
FORMING PARTNERSHIPS The easiest solution is to not head into your business venture alone.
That doesn't just mean forming a partnership with anyone, and you'll want to make sure that the person you choose shares the same vision as you.
That's not the only partnership option out there though and there are others to consider.
Instead of bringing someone in on your business idea, you could choose different folks for different projects.
You might also want to look into joining a team that already has a business plan in action.
Another option that is becoming very popular is consortiums, where you team up with other non-competitive businesses in order to corner a specific market.
Running your own business doesn't necessarily mean that you have to work out of the home.
Sharing an office space is one way to go, or you could also work out of a friend's home office.
There are also co-working locations springing up all over the country where solo entrepreneurs, freelancers, and contractors gather together to work in a shared space but, still have their own business entities.
Much of your work may be done online, which basically means you can work anywhere that has a Wi-Fi connection.
In order to figure out which scenario will work best for you, start by identifying some people you would like to connect with and discuss your ideas with them.
BUILD A SUPPORT SYSTEM Check and see if there is a group that holds regular networking meetings in your area, as that is a great way to mix and mingle.
When you do that, be sure to get to know your peers rather than just focusing your attention of potential clients.
If the tone of those groups seems a little too casual, then you may want to find success teams or action groups that offer a more structured approach to their meetings.
I the thought of group meetings seem overwhelming you can always opt to go on-on-one.
It's not uncommon for business professionals to seek out a life coach or business coach.
Having someone to share your highs and lows with can really help you focus on the job at hand.
The best advice you can ever hope to receive is from someone who has already walked in your shoes.
Try to find someone whose work you truly admire and ask them if they would be willing to mentor you in your business efforts.
BUILD & MAINTAIN YOUR FRIENDSHIPS Instead of sitting at a desk talking to prospective clients on the phone, take the time to meet them for coffee or lunch.
Those meeting could easily lead to you developing a relationship with those clients, allowing for a less rigid form of doing business.
Just be sure to keep the meetings to locations that are business appropriate.
You need to subscribe to the notion that all work and no play is unhealthy.
Plan days off into your schedule and use that free time to get out of the house and meet friends.