Blood Plasma Donation Centers in Missouri
- Those who choose to donate their plasma, as well as their time, become an important part in saving lives. Plasma protein therapies are crucial to people all over the world who have rare, chronic conditions. Plasma helps replace important proteins and antibodies that their bodies may lack. Plasma donation takes more time and energy than regular blood donation. The first visit can take up to three hours because you must fill out paperwork and have a physical examination. The actual process takes from 45 minutes to an hour. Compensation usually runs from $20 to $30 per visit, although this varies per facility.
- Plasma Biological Service Inc. operates throughout the United States, including in Missouri. It can be found at 906 Woodson Way, Columbia, Missouri, 65201. For information on hours, call 573-449-3961.
- BioLife Plasma Services is another plasma-donation center that operates all around the country, including three areas in Missouri. In Independence, you can visit them at 19351 E. Eastland Center St., 64055. In Joplin, go to 1803 W. 32nd St., 64804. In Springfield, BioLife operates on 1620 E. Erie St., 65804. Hours vary for each center; check the website (see Resources) to find more details.
- CSL Plasma operates in three Missouri cities: 3715 Broadway St., Kansas City, 64111, 816-561-6224; 6199 Independence Avenue, also in Kansas City, 64125, 816-483-8344; and 1536 South Glenstone, Springfield, 65804, 417-866-7632. Hours of operation vary by facility.
Why Donate?
Plasma Biological Service Inc.
BioLife Plasma Services
CSL Plasma