Games for a Fitness Gym
- Fitness games burn calories for woman in gym image by Susan Rae Tannenbaum from
Fitness games at the gym keep children occupied while parents work out. However, kids also learn about good health and burn calories while playing. Encourage parents to participate in fitness games to set good examples for their kids. - Split participants into two teams. Each team has a raw egg and a large plastic spoon. When the game begins, one player places the egg inside the spoon and walks quickly to the other end of the room and back. Pass the egg to the next teammate who walks the length of the room and back. The egg continues to be passed until everyone has a chance. If a person drops the egg, they go back to the starting line and try again with a new egg. The winning team passes the egg to every team member in the shortest amount of time. This game encourages cardiovascular activity for heart and bone health. Encourage players to walk quickly with the egg and increase their heart rate.
- For this fitness game, scatter hoops around the gym. In each hoop, place an index card upside down with a fitness activity written on the down side. Some fitness activities can include crunches, sit-ups, jumping jacks or skipping in place. To play the game, participants walk from hoop to hoop as the instructor plays music. When the music stops, whoever is inside of the hoop must read the index card. The instructor rolls a pair of dice and the addition of the two numbers indicates how many times the fitness activity must be done. Encourage other players to cheer on the people doing the exercises. Begin the music again and keep the game going until everyone has a good exercise.
- Encourage cardiovascular exercise with this gym game. Use an open spaced room for participants to play. They must run from one wall to the other upon the instructor's command. The instructor can also call out different ways to reach the other wall like knee-highs, arms high, crab walk or jumping. Participants use the activity called to reach the other wall. This game will work up a sweat and burn calories for those playing.
Healthy Bone Relay
Musical Hoops
Wall to Wall