Turning ADHD on Its Head
Turning ADHD on Its Head
"That we can effectively treat ADHD across the lifespan is an important concept," says Brown. "It is not a matter that if you did not get treated as a kid you have lost your chance. The medications and other treatments we use now can be just as effective in adults."
While ADHD is a treatable, biological disorder, Hinshaw doesn't think that aspect of it should be focused on to the exclusion of other concerns.
"ADHD is a real disorder with implications to problems with brain chemistry and function," he says. "I would caution that much of what predicts the final outcome hinges on parenting and schooling. It takes more consistent and disciplined home and school environments to help these kids."
Turning ADHD on Its Head
"That we can effectively treat ADHD across the lifespan is an important concept," says Brown. "It is not a matter that if you did not get treated as a kid you have lost your chance. The medications and other treatments we use now can be just as effective in adults."
While ADHD is a treatable, biological disorder, Hinshaw doesn't think that aspect of it should be focused on to the exclusion of other concerns.
"ADHD is a real disorder with implications to problems with brain chemistry and function," he says. "I would caution that much of what predicts the final outcome hinges on parenting and schooling. It takes more consistent and disciplined home and school environments to help these kids."