Is Sinusitis the Cause of Your Dizziness?
One of the symptoms of sinusitis is dizziness.
If you are feeling dizzy that could be the reason.
There are a number of other conditions that can also cause dizziness.
In order to get the proper treatment you need to discover what is causing your dizziness.
There are some very severe consequences involved with some causes of dizziness that you need to know about first.
If you have recently suffered any type of head injury and you are now feeling dizzy you need to get to an emergency room right away.
The same goes for dizziness accompanied by a crushing pain in the chest or tingling in the arms, that could be a sign of heart attack.
Get to an emergency room now.
If your condition is not the two I just mentioned then you can sit back for a minute and ask yourself a few questions to determine whether sinusitis is the cause of you feeling dizzy.
The first question and the most obvious is: are you suffering from any other symptoms usually associated with a sinus infection? Run through the list of usual symptoms.
Are you experiencing any of these, runny nose, stuffed nose, congestion, pressure around the nose, cheeks or forehead, headaches, post nasal drip or a sore throat? Do you have a fever? Are you feeling tired and run down? If you answered yes to any of those questions it is a good indicator that you indeed may have a sinus infection and your being dizzy could be a direct result of that.
If that is the case you should be talking to your health care professional.
In fact whatever the reason that could be causing you to feel dizzy, the fact that you feel dizzy in and of itself should prompt at least a call if not a visit to your physician.
If you answered no to all of the sinus problem symptoms just mentioned then most likely your condition is related to some other of a number of causes.
It could be related to blood pressure, diabetes and anemia to name a few.
All of those should be treated by a doctor.
You could still have sinusitis even if you answered no to all of those symptoms.
If you have a scratchy throat now and then but not often but often enough to be noticeable, if you feel pressure in your sinuses on a regular basis but nothing really major you could still have a sinusitis.
There are many people who have chronic sinusitis but have just learned to live with the symptoms so that it almost feels normal.
Under those conditions you could still have sinus related dizzy spells.
Ultimately if you have sinus problems that cause dizzy spells, you must eliminate the root cause, the sinus infection, before you can hope to rid yourself of your vertigo.
There are some things you can do to ease your symptoms.
The first thing you want to do is to try and open the areas in your head that are blocked.
Heat, steam and moisture are essential in opening the passageways quickly.
Standing in a hot shower, letting the hot water run on your head and nose and breathing in the steam is one of the easiest and fastest ways to do that.
You can also boil water and inhale the steam.
Saline solution sprayed in the nose can also help.
Hot tea is good especially if you inhale the steam as you drink it.
There is one treatment that is known to be good in treating dizziness and is also known as a good treatment for sinus infections.
Use ginger.
Make ginger tea.
Allow the ginger steam to penetrate your nasal passages as you sip it.
There are many more ways to treat sinusitis, too many to discuss in this short article.
The dizzy feeling you have, if it is from sinus related problems will go away when the sinus problem goes away.
Use effective sinus treatments in consultation with your health professional and your dizzy feelings should subside.
If you are feeling dizzy that could be the reason.
There are a number of other conditions that can also cause dizziness.
In order to get the proper treatment you need to discover what is causing your dizziness.
There are some very severe consequences involved with some causes of dizziness that you need to know about first.
If you have recently suffered any type of head injury and you are now feeling dizzy you need to get to an emergency room right away.
The same goes for dizziness accompanied by a crushing pain in the chest or tingling in the arms, that could be a sign of heart attack.
Get to an emergency room now.
If your condition is not the two I just mentioned then you can sit back for a minute and ask yourself a few questions to determine whether sinusitis is the cause of you feeling dizzy.
The first question and the most obvious is: are you suffering from any other symptoms usually associated with a sinus infection? Run through the list of usual symptoms.
Are you experiencing any of these, runny nose, stuffed nose, congestion, pressure around the nose, cheeks or forehead, headaches, post nasal drip or a sore throat? Do you have a fever? Are you feeling tired and run down? If you answered yes to any of those questions it is a good indicator that you indeed may have a sinus infection and your being dizzy could be a direct result of that.
If that is the case you should be talking to your health care professional.
In fact whatever the reason that could be causing you to feel dizzy, the fact that you feel dizzy in and of itself should prompt at least a call if not a visit to your physician.
If you answered no to all of the sinus problem symptoms just mentioned then most likely your condition is related to some other of a number of causes.
It could be related to blood pressure, diabetes and anemia to name a few.
All of those should be treated by a doctor.
You could still have sinusitis even if you answered no to all of those symptoms.
If you have a scratchy throat now and then but not often but often enough to be noticeable, if you feel pressure in your sinuses on a regular basis but nothing really major you could still have a sinusitis.
There are many people who have chronic sinusitis but have just learned to live with the symptoms so that it almost feels normal.
Under those conditions you could still have sinus related dizzy spells.
Ultimately if you have sinus problems that cause dizzy spells, you must eliminate the root cause, the sinus infection, before you can hope to rid yourself of your vertigo.
There are some things you can do to ease your symptoms.
The first thing you want to do is to try and open the areas in your head that are blocked.
Heat, steam and moisture are essential in opening the passageways quickly.
Standing in a hot shower, letting the hot water run on your head and nose and breathing in the steam is one of the easiest and fastest ways to do that.
You can also boil water and inhale the steam.
Saline solution sprayed in the nose can also help.
Hot tea is good especially if you inhale the steam as you drink it.
There is one treatment that is known to be good in treating dizziness and is also known as a good treatment for sinus infections.
Use ginger.
Make ginger tea.
Allow the ginger steam to penetrate your nasal passages as you sip it.
There are many more ways to treat sinusitis, too many to discuss in this short article.
The dizzy feeling you have, if it is from sinus related problems will go away when the sinus problem goes away.
Use effective sinus treatments in consultation with your health professional and your dizzy feelings should subside.