How Do I Increase My Weight?
- Maintain a good diet. If you have an unhealthy diet, you are likely to be either overweight or underweight, depending on the types of food you eat. Start by eating more than just three meals per day. The average diet is supposed to consist of around 2,000 calories per day, but to gain weight, it is recommended that you consume closer 3,500 calories per day. This increase in calorie intake is important because you will need extra energy for your exercise routine.
Start by eating a large breakfast that includes a good amount of carbohydrates. This will give you plenty of energy to burn throughout the day. In addition, it will expand your stomach so that you are able to eat more for your later meals. Because muscle weighs more than fat by mass, it is important to eat plenty of protein throughout the day to build muscle. Between breakfast and lunch, eat a snack consisting of fruit as well as some type of carbohydrate. It is important to not only increase your caloric intake, but also provide your body with the type of nutrients that will help you grow in a healthy manner. Altogether, you should eat six to seven times per day, three to four of which should be large meals. - When taking in all of these calories, it is important to maintain a healthy exercise routine as well. Change your workouts by decreasing your repetitions and increasing the weight being lifted. Again, muscle weighs more than fat, and to increase your weight you need to increase your muscle mass. You should be in the gym, lifting heavily, four to five times weekly. Increase the amount of weight you are lifting as much and as quickly as possible. It is important that you do not settle on a particular weight but push yourself even if you cannot lift the weight more than one time per set. The key is to recognize that your main muscle groups will grow faster than the smaller ones. Working on your pectoral muscles as well as leg muscles such as your quadriceps and your gluteus maximus will increase your weight much more than working on your biceps, triceps or calves. Although smaller muscle groups should not be ignored because they are considered supporter muscles, do not focus on them as much as your larger muscle groups. Once your workout is done and your muscles are starving for energy, eat a large meal. This may be the most important thing to do to increase your weight.