Softball Hitting Tips
So you want to be hitter that dominates the game and smashes the ball out of the field? That's great because good hitting skills is one of the most fundamental skills that every player should have.
Here are some of my softball hitting tips for you that will help you take your game to the next level.
Always Remember to Warm-Up First Many players get so excited about playing the game that they tend to forget to warm their muscles up first.
Because of this, their performance becomes severely limited.
So before you step into the home plate, make sure you do your warm-ups first.
Focus especially on the muscles the you will be using more frequently during the course of the game.
Aside from that, do your stretches as well.
Doing these things will help you prevent incidents of pulled muscles, torn ligaments and other forms of injury.
This is one of the most important softball hitting tips anybody would tell you, so keep this in mind.
Maintain an Air of Confidence Many players, especially the younger ones, haven't developed their confidence yet when stepping on the plate.
Because of this, catchers and pitchers take advantage of their lack of confidence and try to force the hitter to commit errors.
Don't let it happen to you.
Before you step on the plate, don't slouch, carry your bat confidently and look into the batter's eyes and tell her that you mean business.
Stay Focused If the game stretches out for too long, or if you're playing the game under the direct heat of the sun, it's easy to get distracted and focus too much on your current situation than on the game.
When you let your surroundings affect you, you become prone to committing mistakes not only in your hitting but also in the other aspects of your game.
When you step on the plate, remember that it's just you and the ball.
And remember that your objective is to hit the ball and keep it out of the reach of the fielders.
Concentrate on that and don't let the other things bother you.
Practice Proper Hitting Mechanics It's easy to imagine yourself hitting one home run after another, but making it happen is another matter.
To make home runs really happen for you, you must remember to focus on doing the proper hitting mechanics first.
Tons of home runs are made by the best players because they perfectly know how to correctly hit the ball.
It takes the proper stance, the follow through and a lot more to hit the ball well.
So, focus on your fundamentals and everything else will follow.
I'm sure your coach has other ideas for other ways of improving your hitting skills.
But the softball hitting tips I listed above are some of the most basic yet most important things you need to keep in mind before and during you step on the batter's plate.
Here are some of my softball hitting tips for you that will help you take your game to the next level.
Always Remember to Warm-Up First Many players get so excited about playing the game that they tend to forget to warm their muscles up first.
Because of this, their performance becomes severely limited.
So before you step into the home plate, make sure you do your warm-ups first.
Focus especially on the muscles the you will be using more frequently during the course of the game.
Aside from that, do your stretches as well.
Doing these things will help you prevent incidents of pulled muscles, torn ligaments and other forms of injury.
This is one of the most important softball hitting tips anybody would tell you, so keep this in mind.
Maintain an Air of Confidence Many players, especially the younger ones, haven't developed their confidence yet when stepping on the plate.
Because of this, catchers and pitchers take advantage of their lack of confidence and try to force the hitter to commit errors.
Don't let it happen to you.
Before you step on the plate, don't slouch, carry your bat confidently and look into the batter's eyes and tell her that you mean business.
Stay Focused If the game stretches out for too long, or if you're playing the game under the direct heat of the sun, it's easy to get distracted and focus too much on your current situation than on the game.
When you let your surroundings affect you, you become prone to committing mistakes not only in your hitting but also in the other aspects of your game.
When you step on the plate, remember that it's just you and the ball.
And remember that your objective is to hit the ball and keep it out of the reach of the fielders.
Concentrate on that and don't let the other things bother you.
Practice Proper Hitting Mechanics It's easy to imagine yourself hitting one home run after another, but making it happen is another matter.
To make home runs really happen for you, you must remember to focus on doing the proper hitting mechanics first.
Tons of home runs are made by the best players because they perfectly know how to correctly hit the ball.
It takes the proper stance, the follow through and a lot more to hit the ball well.
So, focus on your fundamentals and everything else will follow.
I'm sure your coach has other ideas for other ways of improving your hitting skills.
But the softball hitting tips I listed above are some of the most basic yet most important things you need to keep in mind before and during you step on the batter's plate.