How to Get the Girl You Love Back
Learning how to get the girl you love back involves changing.
Clearly what you've been trying hasn't worked or you wouldn't be here now, so lets get that out of the way.
Trying my method may or may not work but if you'll trust me I think you'll achieve great results.
If you really love this girl I want you to get her back and I see no reason why you shouldn't.
Most people aren't lucky enough to find love so I can understand not wanting to let it go.
Plus the fear of starting over from nothing isn't appealing at all especially the older you get.
As long as you want to treat this girl with respect I hope you learn from what I have to say and get her back.
Don't be afraid because fear is the mind killer.
You will get her back, if you're calm and patient.
The first thing I would tell my friend to do is figure out exactly what he wants to happen and write it down.
Email it to yourself, just be sure you have a copy of it.
Remember this is about getting what you want so be absolutely positive you want to learn how to get the girl you love back.
Tell her how you feel, yes tell her you want to get her back.
Tell her the truth that you love her and you don't want to give up.
Now, get a clue, also tell her you're going to respect the break up and you won't be on her case.
If you love someone set them free, that is time honored advice.
This act right here should spark some attraction for you.
You're on the right path, that was easy wasn't it.
About a week later go to the mall and find some little present for about ten bucks.
Don't get a card or anything, this is supposed to be spontaneous.
Whatever you see that makes you think of her, make it something cute like a key-chain.
Then stop by her work or house, just say hi and tell her you saw this and thought of her.
Give her the present and say goodbye.
This really ought to earn you some romance points because it is romantic.
Everyone loves being thought of.
Maybe a week later send her a rose with a note, I can't stop thinking about you.
Then put your number and say please call me.
If she calls you've really taken a step in the right direction.
This was off the top of my head, come up with your own plan.
Clearly what you've been trying hasn't worked or you wouldn't be here now, so lets get that out of the way.
Trying my method may or may not work but if you'll trust me I think you'll achieve great results.
If you really love this girl I want you to get her back and I see no reason why you shouldn't.
Most people aren't lucky enough to find love so I can understand not wanting to let it go.
Plus the fear of starting over from nothing isn't appealing at all especially the older you get.
As long as you want to treat this girl with respect I hope you learn from what I have to say and get her back.
Don't be afraid because fear is the mind killer.
You will get her back, if you're calm and patient.
The first thing I would tell my friend to do is figure out exactly what he wants to happen and write it down.
Email it to yourself, just be sure you have a copy of it.
Remember this is about getting what you want so be absolutely positive you want to learn how to get the girl you love back.
Tell her how you feel, yes tell her you want to get her back.
Tell her the truth that you love her and you don't want to give up.
Now, get a clue, also tell her you're going to respect the break up and you won't be on her case.
If you love someone set them free, that is time honored advice.
This act right here should spark some attraction for you.
You're on the right path, that was easy wasn't it.
About a week later go to the mall and find some little present for about ten bucks.
Don't get a card or anything, this is supposed to be spontaneous.
Whatever you see that makes you think of her, make it something cute like a key-chain.
Then stop by her work or house, just say hi and tell her you saw this and thought of her.
Give her the present and say goodbye.
This really ought to earn you some romance points because it is romantic.
Everyone loves being thought of.
Maybe a week later send her a rose with a note, I can't stop thinking about you.
Then put your number and say please call me.
If she calls you've really taken a step in the right direction.
This was off the top of my head, come up with your own plan.