Homeland Security - To Be Or Not to Be?
Never in history have we had more sophisticated security devices and technology.
The irony is that we never have felt more insecure and violated.
The horrific and sickening 9/11 act of terror is indelibly imprinted in our minds forever.
Daily news alerts us to the reality of lurking unknown multiple threats.
What lessons can we learn from history to give us a clue as to how to restore our safety and future? A few terrorists have created a global culture of insecurity and uncertainty.
Have we given the Al-Qaida fuel for their Jihad? The question looms larger, are we ready to listen to the words of Jeremiah, an ancient prophet, as it applies to our times? "The kings of the earth did not believe, nor did any of the world's people, that enemies and foes could enter the gates of Jerusalem...
but it happened because of the sins of the people.
" Lamentations 4:10.
This may not be.
what we want to hear, but it may well be the warning that could save and secure us.
Greed breeds and seeds the horrific global economic meltdown that has stripped billions of people of their security and denied them a future with hope for years to come.
When our safety is violated we pay a high price that affects our productivity, prosperity and personal well being.
Despair breeds all forms of paralysis and depression.
In a day of hopeless despair, Nehemiah, an ordinary servant of the ancient Persian king initiated a sequence of inquiry, confession and action that led to the restoration of Jerusalem's broken down walls, gates and its people.
The people of Jerusalem had lost confidence in God, in themselves and others.
They were greatly discouraged.
Whether by choice or default, they were beaten down and in despair.
Sound familiar? The obstacles were overwhelming.
Nehemiah had a different perspective.
He looked beyond the despair and damage to envision the rebuilt wall and the restoration of his people.
After prayer, inquiry and confession, he assumed responsibility and grasped the opportunity to lead the restoration against great odds.
That is the kind of leadership we long to see once again today.
Where are our Nehemiahs? "For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.
" Romans 15:4 Daniel Webster's words are possibly even more appropriate for our day than for his own.
He said, "The things that are wrong with our country (and we could add our world) today are the sum total of all the things that are wrong with us as individuals.
" Ask yourself, if everyone in my community were assuming responsibility for the condition of my community as I am, what kind of community would it be? If everyone took the same interest in government that I do, including voting, what kind of government would we have both locally and nationally? If everyone accepted public service or community service with the same attitude that I do, how much would get done for the public good? If everyone obeyed the Lord with the same faithfulness that I do, what kind of a community and nation would this be? If you or I were to be put on trial for our obedience to Christ and His Word, would there be enough evidence to convict us? John Stuart Mill wrote, "Whenever the general disposition of the people is such that each individual regards those only of his interests which are selfish, and does not concern himself for his share of the general interest, in such a state of things good government is impossible.
Personal and civil decay follow.
" Does this describe our leadership today? What will it take for them to hear the heartcry of the people desperately waiting for leadership to restore security both personal, national and global and rebuild these broken down walls.
We long to once again live in freedom free from fear.
We badly need a cleanse starting with our hearts and minds to remove all the self-gratifying desires and appetites that eclipse the Lord of all life.
Anything that we substitute or settle for, that is less than God Himself, will leave us empty and wanting.
It robs God, it rob us and others of blessing.
Apathy, pride, selfish ambition and materialism displace our love for God and people.
The best homeland and eternal security is transformed people and communities.
We leave no room for God when we are full of ourselves.
When we are empty of ourselves we make room for our Designer to fill us and make us fit for service to restore the brokeness around us.
Why is it so easy to see in others what I can't see in myself? How is it that I can rationalize a root of bitterness, harbor an evil thought, make choices that dishonor the Lord, wallow in my victimization and loneliness, hold tight to an unforgiving spirit− or worse yet neglect the one who made me and loves me with an everlasting love? And then I wonder why I am angry at the Lord, why He does not hear me and why I feel empty inside? Like barnacle buildup on our boat of life unconfessed sin weights us down and even can sink our boat if there is not a cleansing.
What are the barnacles on your boat today? It is like the buildup of cholesterol in our arteries from our bad eating habits that makes us vulnerable and leaves us in a weakened condition.
What is that subtle buildup in your life− the blockage that needs cleansing today? David, one of the greatest kings of all time, wealthy and wise and the ultimate of royalty, swallowed his pride, acknowledged his sin and prayed his Psalm 51 prayer, "create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me.
Restore unto me the joy of my salvation...
" Did you ever wonder why the Lord does not seem to listen or hear us? The Bible says, " If I regard sin in my heart the Lord will not hear me.
" This is not a judgment but an offer of choice.
God loves us enough to give us the opportunity to choose, but we cannot choose the consequences of our choices.
Choose you this day who you will serve.
Will it be your own appetites along with all the filler junk that will pass away or will it be a holy and Godly life? There is victory in surrender! God is looking for those like Nehemiah who will care enough to inquire about the needs, confess their sin of omission, invite his infilling and indwelling and be available to stand in the gap for their community.
It is God's unlimited ability coupled with our availability that can transform us, our churches and our community.
We, our communities and world, can be forever secure only in His security and His transformation of our hearts and minds.
You are no fool to give up security that cannot be guaranteed for security you cannot lose.
Restoration requires transformed and responsible citizens assuming responsibility for their lives, families, communities, nation and world.
When our response is "let us arise and rebuild," it will be done! The greatest waste of time may be the waste of time getting started.
Be a Nehemiah where God has planted you! Buy up every opportunity to share the Hope that is in you and if you do not have that assurance and certainty of hope it is available as a gift from God for you.
The irony is that we never have felt more insecure and violated.
The horrific and sickening 9/11 act of terror is indelibly imprinted in our minds forever.
Daily news alerts us to the reality of lurking unknown multiple threats.
What lessons can we learn from history to give us a clue as to how to restore our safety and future? A few terrorists have created a global culture of insecurity and uncertainty.
Have we given the Al-Qaida fuel for their Jihad? The question looms larger, are we ready to listen to the words of Jeremiah, an ancient prophet, as it applies to our times? "The kings of the earth did not believe, nor did any of the world's people, that enemies and foes could enter the gates of Jerusalem...
but it happened because of the sins of the people.
" Lamentations 4:10.
This may not be.
what we want to hear, but it may well be the warning that could save and secure us.
Greed breeds and seeds the horrific global economic meltdown that has stripped billions of people of their security and denied them a future with hope for years to come.
When our safety is violated we pay a high price that affects our productivity, prosperity and personal well being.
Despair breeds all forms of paralysis and depression.
In a day of hopeless despair, Nehemiah, an ordinary servant of the ancient Persian king initiated a sequence of inquiry, confession and action that led to the restoration of Jerusalem's broken down walls, gates and its people.
The people of Jerusalem had lost confidence in God, in themselves and others.
They were greatly discouraged.
Whether by choice or default, they were beaten down and in despair.
Sound familiar? The obstacles were overwhelming.
Nehemiah had a different perspective.
He looked beyond the despair and damage to envision the rebuilt wall and the restoration of his people.
After prayer, inquiry and confession, he assumed responsibility and grasped the opportunity to lead the restoration against great odds.
That is the kind of leadership we long to see once again today.
Where are our Nehemiahs? "For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.
" Romans 15:4 Daniel Webster's words are possibly even more appropriate for our day than for his own.
He said, "The things that are wrong with our country (and we could add our world) today are the sum total of all the things that are wrong with us as individuals.
" Ask yourself, if everyone in my community were assuming responsibility for the condition of my community as I am, what kind of community would it be? If everyone took the same interest in government that I do, including voting, what kind of government would we have both locally and nationally? If everyone accepted public service or community service with the same attitude that I do, how much would get done for the public good? If everyone obeyed the Lord with the same faithfulness that I do, what kind of a community and nation would this be? If you or I were to be put on trial for our obedience to Christ and His Word, would there be enough evidence to convict us? John Stuart Mill wrote, "Whenever the general disposition of the people is such that each individual regards those only of his interests which are selfish, and does not concern himself for his share of the general interest, in such a state of things good government is impossible.
Personal and civil decay follow.
" Does this describe our leadership today? What will it take for them to hear the heartcry of the people desperately waiting for leadership to restore security both personal, national and global and rebuild these broken down walls.
We long to once again live in freedom free from fear.
We badly need a cleanse starting with our hearts and minds to remove all the self-gratifying desires and appetites that eclipse the Lord of all life.
Anything that we substitute or settle for, that is less than God Himself, will leave us empty and wanting.
It robs God, it rob us and others of blessing.
Apathy, pride, selfish ambition and materialism displace our love for God and people.
The best homeland and eternal security is transformed people and communities.
We leave no room for God when we are full of ourselves.
When we are empty of ourselves we make room for our Designer to fill us and make us fit for service to restore the brokeness around us.
Why is it so easy to see in others what I can't see in myself? How is it that I can rationalize a root of bitterness, harbor an evil thought, make choices that dishonor the Lord, wallow in my victimization and loneliness, hold tight to an unforgiving spirit− or worse yet neglect the one who made me and loves me with an everlasting love? And then I wonder why I am angry at the Lord, why He does not hear me and why I feel empty inside? Like barnacle buildup on our boat of life unconfessed sin weights us down and even can sink our boat if there is not a cleansing.
What are the barnacles on your boat today? It is like the buildup of cholesterol in our arteries from our bad eating habits that makes us vulnerable and leaves us in a weakened condition.
What is that subtle buildup in your life− the blockage that needs cleansing today? David, one of the greatest kings of all time, wealthy and wise and the ultimate of royalty, swallowed his pride, acknowledged his sin and prayed his Psalm 51 prayer, "create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me.
Restore unto me the joy of my salvation...
" Did you ever wonder why the Lord does not seem to listen or hear us? The Bible says, " If I regard sin in my heart the Lord will not hear me.
" This is not a judgment but an offer of choice.
God loves us enough to give us the opportunity to choose, but we cannot choose the consequences of our choices.
Choose you this day who you will serve.
Will it be your own appetites along with all the filler junk that will pass away or will it be a holy and Godly life? There is victory in surrender! God is looking for those like Nehemiah who will care enough to inquire about the needs, confess their sin of omission, invite his infilling and indwelling and be available to stand in the gap for their community.
It is God's unlimited ability coupled with our availability that can transform us, our churches and our community.
We, our communities and world, can be forever secure only in His security and His transformation of our hearts and minds.
You are no fool to give up security that cannot be guaranteed for security you cannot lose.
Restoration requires transformed and responsible citizens assuming responsibility for their lives, families, communities, nation and world.
When our response is "let us arise and rebuild," it will be done! The greatest waste of time may be the waste of time getting started.
Be a Nehemiah where God has planted you! Buy up every opportunity to share the Hope that is in you and if you do not have that assurance and certainty of hope it is available as a gift from God for you.