Florida Voting Laws
- Register for your right to voteregister to vote image by Christopher Martin from Fotolia.com
One of the most important privileges we have as U.S. citizens is the right to vote. The voting laws in each state are a little different, and for those who have recently relocated to Florida, there are some voting laws you need to keep in mind as you register. There are multiple opportunities to register once you have established residency, and these guidelines will help you in that process. - Start with a Florida driver's license.wallet and car key image by Richard Seeney from Fotolia.com
If you have recently moved into the state of Florida, one of the first things you must do is get a Florida driver's license as well as Florida registration and tags for your car. If you have a permanent address and work in the state, the law requires that you obtain the license within 30 days. Once you take care of these requirements, you are considered a resident and can register to vote. - Florida law determines who can vote.gavel image by Cora Reed from Fotolia.com
Florida law requires that you are a resident of the state before you can register to vote. You must also be 18 years old and a citizen of the United States. You can preregister to vote at age 16, but you will not be able to vote until you are 18. There are also laws that prohibit convicted felons and mentally incapacitated individuals from voting. - The county courthouse is will have information about voter registration.deco courthouse image by Aaron Kohr from Fotolia.com
When you apply for a Florida driver's license or a state identification card, you will be asked at that time if you would like to register to vote. You can also register at voter registration offices in each county, at armed forces recruiting stations and at some qualifying educational institutions. You may also register online. - A passport can be used as a form of identification.passport image by isatori from Fotolia.com
In addition to a valid Florida driver's license or state identification card, other forms of identification can be used. A passport, military ID or student ID can be used for name and photo verification. You could also be asked to provide a piece of mail with your current Florida address. When you register, you will be asked for your county of residence, your race or ethnicity, your state or county of birth, your sex, your party affiliation and the last four digits of your SSN. You might also be asked where you were last registered to vote and if you will need any assistance in voting. - You will be mailed a voter's registration card and the location of your polling place. Florida does allow early voting 15 days before and until the second day after an election. Your county Supervisor of Elections can give you more information about where and when to vote early. If you need an absentee ballot, those can be requested in person, by phone or by mail from your Supervisor of Elections. Some offices will also have those requests for absentee ballots online.
Establishing Residency
Qualifications for Voting
Registration Locations
Qualifying Information
Voting Locations