Scary Animals of the Sea
- The viperfish grows to only about a foot long, but it is one of the greatest predators in the deep sea. This animal has a large mouth and fanglike teeth that do not fit entirely inside the mouth due to their size. These large teeth are used to bite into prey as the viperfish attacks at a high rate of speed. This animal has a dorsal fin with a light-producing organ that is used to lure prey like a fishing rod. Little is known about this creature because it lives in extreme depths and does not survive for long in captivity.
- The stargazer is a bony fish which can grow up to 36 inches in length and usually buries itself in sand. The stargazer has a tapered body and a flat head on which its eyes sit almost directly on top, hence its name. This weird-looking creature is able to deliver electric shock and poison from two spines above the pectoral fins.
- The deep sea-dwelling anglerfish's appearance is like something you would expect to see in a sci-fi horror movie. Anglerfish are generally brown or gray with very large heads and big triangular-shaped mouths filled with dangerously sharp translucent teeth. The female anglerfish has a dorsal spine which hangs over the mouth like a fishing pole. At the end of this piece of spine is flesh which acts like a lure for prey. The mouth of an anglerfish is large enough to accommodate prey up to twice its size.
- The vampire squid is a cephalopod which displays features like a squid and an octopus with a gelatinous body. This animal, which ranges in color from black to red, has eight webbed arms and can move very quickly through the water. The arms are lined with suction cups and soft spines. The vampire squid has two very strong jaws which resemble beaks. Its large eyes look either red or blue, and its body is covered with photophores, which are organs that create light.
Vampire Squid