Veal with Saffron and Almonds
The veal and saffron make this dish expensive to preoare, but it is a lovely dish for a festive occasion. Subsitute pork chops and bijol poweder to make this more reasonably priced for family meals.
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Bijol (Annato)
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Bijol (Annato)
- 8 veal chops
- 2 tablesppons oil
- salt and pepper to taste
- 3/4 cup canned tomato sauce
- 1/2 - 3/4 cup chopped mushrooms
- 3/4 chopped onions
- 3/4 cup dry white wine
- 1/4 teaspoon saffron
- 1/4 - 1/2 cup almonds, ground
Brown the chops in oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Place in casserole dish and cover with the mushrooms. Saute onions until limp, add the wine, tomato sauce and cook slowly about 10 minutes. Add saffron and almonds. Add to casserole and bake, 325 degrees 1/2 hour. Serve with a green salad.