How to Preserve a Gingerbread House
- 1). Repair anything that needs repairing - candy or trim that's fallen off, or a porch railing that's broken.
- 2). Remove any pieces you don't want to keep (vegetation; plastic animals) and toss them or store them separately.
- 3). Put the gingerbread house in a warm room for at least 24 hours to dry out any ambient moisture it may have picked up in your house.
- 4). Place the dry house in a well-ventilated room and spray well with varnish. (It is possible to use a brush, but you'll probably end up knocking a lot of the candy off.)
- 5). Make sure to cover the house completely with varnish - inside door frames and windows included. Spray the inside first, then circle the outside.
- 6). Allow to dry completely.
- 7). Store in a sturdy box in a dry place.