Tamil Bible Study Tools
- The Bible is published in most languages.bible image by Photoeyes from Fotolia.com
Tamil is the official language of Tamil Nadu, a state in India. Sixty-five million people speak the Tamil language there. The Tamil language is of the Dravidian family and considered one of the oldest languages in the world.
Many good Bible study tools are available on the Internet and in software packages. Many are being developed in Tamil. You probably will have to download the Tamil font on your computer to see the text in Tamil. - The Tamil Christian Bible Center is a site dedicated to Bible study in the Tamil langauge. You may download a copy of the entire Bible in Tamil. A free software is available that you may download for use when you are not online. You may use it online without downloading.
You may also do Bible searches or read on the site. Audio of the Bible is also available, as well as songs of various kinds in Tamil. On the site you may compare Bible verses, English, Tamil and German, print verses and bookmark verses. A dictionary also is available.
Tamil Christian Bible Center: tamilbible.net - Tamil Christian's Pages offers Bibles in Engliah, Tamil and other languages. Dictionaries and commentaries also are available, as well as musical files.
You may download free software or read and use the program online. This site also has links to other Bible study programs that use the Tamil language. The site also has a college course, as well as Bible studies.
Tamil Christian's Pages: tamilchristian.com - The Word of God Team is a website that offers Bibles in multiple languages, including Tamil. The site includes audio drama recordings of New Testament stories, software and Bible texts to download, as well as other biblical-related books.
In early 2010 the site was developing a module to go with E-Sword.com, an English language free Bible study software that includes more than 100 titles and books for Bible study.
Word of God Team: wordofgod.in - The Bible Research Centre is based in England and is designed to help with Bible study in the Tamil language. It offers biblical teachings, as well as studies to complete online.
No software is available on this site to download, but many studies are offered. You may read sermons and Bible outlines in Tamil. You may have to download the Tamil font if it is not on your computer.
Tamil Bible Research Centre
48 Victoria Road, Walhamstow
London, E17 4JU England
Tamil Christian Bible Center
Tamil Christian's Pages
Word of God Team
Bible Research Centre