Prevention of Canine Kidney Failure
- Some dogs experiencing kidney failure are lethargic.lying dog in the park image by Erg??n ?--zsoy from
If you know the signs and symptoms to look for, you will be able to get the dog the help it needs immediately and prevent the problem from becoming full blown or from progressing. Take the dog to the vet immediately if you notice that your pet is producing little or no urine, not drinking water, acting lethargic, vomiting or having diarrhea. - Fresh water helps dogs with kidney problems.Green dog water bowl image by Jim Mills from
The most common cause of kidney failure in canines is that the kidneys simply wear out with old age. No specific way to really prevent that problem exists; however, vets can treat the problem with special diets, high blood pressure medication, anemia medication and potassium supplements among other options. You can help your pet by frequently taking it out for walks and constantly providing fresh and clean water. - Although not as common, other forms of kidney failure are preventable as well. Dogs who go outdoors, particularly without supervision, are at risk to be exposed to and ingest antifreeze, which causes kidney failure and sometimes death. Supervise your dog and watch what it is eating in order to prevent such problems. Dogs may also accidentally consume other toxic substances as well. Certain anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics can also cause kidney failure, so you should discuss with your vet the potential risks of medications.
- Frogs, fish and earthworms transmit parasites to dogs, which can ultimately cause blood in the urine, difficulty urinating or small amounts of urine, issues associated with kidney failure. In order to prevent such transmissions, you should be aware of what other animals your pet comes into contact with. Furthermore, you should not let your dog eat feces because it can very well contract parasites from other dogs that way. Flea control and prevention, heartworm preventative and frequent checks for parasites by a vet are effective as well.
- Water is crucial to preventing kidney failure.Dog feeding image by patrimonio designs from
Another reason dogs experience kidney failure is because they are dehydrated. The simple solution would be to just give them water constantly throughout the day. However, if the animal is already sick with another problem, it may not be able to or want to drink as much as it should. In that case, you would have to call a vet to provide the dog with water through intravenous fluids.
Noticing Symptoms
Common Cause
Preventing Parasites