Are Fireplace Inserts More Efficient Than Woodburning Stoves?
- Today's wood stoves burn more efficiently with less smoke.Old Stove and Antique Chair image by bawinner from
Modern wood stoves burn at an efficiency rate of 75 to 88 percent, producing 7.5 grams less smoke than older models. The most common fuel is cord wood, but using wood pellets reduces the smoke emitted and takes up less storage space. - An insert boosts efficiency of a fireplace with fireplace image by Dumitrescu Ciprian from
Fireplaces alone are only 5 to 10 percent efficient; they warm little more air than they consume. When an insert is added, their efficiency rate increases dramatically, to 85 to 99 percent, depending on the fuel being burned; natural gas is the most efficient. - There is only a 10 percent difference in efficiency between an insert and a wood stove. Let your needs and your budget be your guide.
- What makes the natural gas fireplace insert the most efficient option also makes it the most dangerous. Its heat never escapes, but neither do its hazardous emissions. It is of the utmost importance that all necessary ventilation and monitoring equipment are installed and that the insert is the proper size for the fireplace.
Wood Stoves
Fireplace Inserts