Optimization of social media
SMO stands for Optimization Social media and is based on the presence of their website in networks and social bookmarking to get an increase fast and effective visit, i.e. web traffic to gain more direct.
When we want a web site is positioned well in search engines used Internet, we usually do care about the common social networking most known, Which involves putting our link on forums or other websites to read the comment given to click the link and redirect to our website (links entrants) and gain a bit of traffic through this type of links. This helps a lot, but making use of social media, do more still. How?
For better positioning of our site to help us but the laces natural that are left for us users, i.e. they recommended us, article, service or Product using social media. The links natural, those who come to our web average recommendation of a user making use of social media, not searching.
SMO can give us a great presence on the internet thanks to your bookmarks and social networks are hot and increasingly growing number of users that use them and there are numerous Internet users who may have sites like Delicious and Reddit get our post, article or our internal website, this well positioned these markers also can give us a huge injection of visits which is really what we need to.
To do this you need a study SEO: (Search engine optimization,) optimize your site for search engines, though the tags and set goals for our site and facilities to our users to be authorized to submit news or pages on our site for us at these markers or networks social.
So it is not so easy to get a good position in these networks, and there are many web sites that you already took the lead and have united to demand that we live today in both SEO as SMO.
When we want a web site is positioned well in search engines used Internet, we usually do care about the common social networking most known, Which involves putting our link on forums or other websites to read the comment given to click the link and redirect to our website (links entrants) and gain a bit of traffic through this type of links. This helps a lot, but making use of social media, do more still. How?
For better positioning of our site to help us but the laces natural that are left for us users, i.e. they recommended us, article, service or Product using social media. The links natural, those who come to our web average recommendation of a user making use of social media, not searching.
SMO can give us a great presence on the internet thanks to your bookmarks and social networks are hot and increasingly growing number of users that use them and there are numerous Internet users who may have sites like Delicious and Reddit get our post, article or our internal website, this well positioned these markers also can give us a huge injection of visits which is really what we need to.
To do this you need a study SEO: (Search engine optimization,) optimize your site for search engines, though the tags and set goals for our site and facilities to our users to be authorized to submit news or pages on our site for us at these markers or networks social.
So it is not so easy to get a good position in these networks, and there are many web sites that you already took the lead and have united to demand that we live today in both SEO as SMO.