How Safe Is Renal Replacement Therapy?
How Safe Is Renal Replacement Therapy?
Numeric results are stated with the denominator and are expressed as a percentage and continuous variables as medians (IQR). Confidence intervals for proportions were estimated using the Wilson score with continuity correction. Confidence intervals for incidence rates were estimated using the exact method for the Poisson distribution and assumed that any cause of death data were missing completely-at-random. Pearson's χ test was used in hypothesis tests for proportions, with a significance level of 0.05. All analyses were carried out in SPSS v17.
Statistical Analysis
Numeric results are stated with the denominator and are expressed as a percentage and continuous variables as medians (IQR). Confidence intervals for proportions were estimated using the Wilson score with continuity correction. Confidence intervals for incidence rates were estimated using the exact method for the Poisson distribution and assumed that any cause of death data were missing completely-at-random. Pearson's χ test was used in hypothesis tests for proportions, with a significance level of 0.05. All analyses were carried out in SPSS v17.