Food Allergies and Eczema - What is the Connection?
Eczema is a kind of skin ailment usually associated with skin thickening, scaling and itching.
Usually, eczema occurs on arms, elbows, knees and face.
When eczema affects children, especially ones with clear skin, parents often are unable to distinguish its cause.
Many parents perceive that their child's eczema is caused due to food allergies.
However, many experts find such belief to be false.
Instead, it is recommended that parents do not limit their child's diet without consultation with a pediatrician.
One example of food allergy causing eczema is the case of a 5 month old infant who suffered from severe eczema.
This baby's mother claimed that the baby suffered from lactose intolerance from earlier on.
The baby was not able to accustom even to foods which were lactose free.
So she shifted to soy.
Although the soy showed some temporary relief on the baby's skin, after a while, the eczema reappeared.
Suppose you are the mother; would you proceed to think that even the soy is causing the eczema to occur? Would you be ready to use the lactose free formula again? As has been mentioned previously, eczema is a condition that appears and disappears just as suddenly, giving the child clear skin for more weeks to come.
This is the reason it becomes very hard to determine the exact trigger factor that is causing the eczema.
This is what happened to the 5 month old baby.
Although there is truth in the fact that food allergies can trigger eczema, there is no reason to believe that the baby's eczema might be caused by the lactose free formula Experts believe that the baby might have caught the allergy due to milk proteins or even from soy proteins.
But it is not possible that the allergy could be caused due to lactose, which is a sugar.
The mother has the option of shifting the diet to include lactose free formula.
However, experts claim that lactose does not include any formula that can cure the eczema.
Even if this does happen, it can only be a coincidence.
Lactose usually develops symptoms such as diarrhea, gas and instant fussiness.
If you find that you are in the same situation, the best thing for you to do would be to take your baby to a pediatrician.
Medical expertise is always more reliable than hearsay.
Be sure to let your pediatrician know that you have reason to suspect that the baby is allergic to milk based soy formula.
Your pediatrician should be able to let you know whether these formulas actually do worsen the eczema.
Alomentum, Nutramigen and other Hypoallergic formula may be prescribed.
Allergy test is one test your pediatrician may advice you on.
Allergy test is done through the process of blood testing.
If you have positively identified certain food or drinks on consumption of which your baby's eczema has worsened, it is best to avoid them.
However, before taking any action, be sure to talk to pediatrician about it.
He will know best what action to take.
There are some children who suffer both from food allergy and eczema.
These two conditions, however, do not affect one another.
Knowing treatments for eczema is a good move to make.
Always follow the pediatrician's prescription and you will not go wrong.
Following a professional's advice will ensure that you are following the right medication.
Usually, eczema occurs on arms, elbows, knees and face.
When eczema affects children, especially ones with clear skin, parents often are unable to distinguish its cause.
Many parents perceive that their child's eczema is caused due to food allergies.
However, many experts find such belief to be false.
Instead, it is recommended that parents do not limit their child's diet without consultation with a pediatrician.
One example of food allergy causing eczema is the case of a 5 month old infant who suffered from severe eczema.
This baby's mother claimed that the baby suffered from lactose intolerance from earlier on.
The baby was not able to accustom even to foods which were lactose free.
So she shifted to soy.
Although the soy showed some temporary relief on the baby's skin, after a while, the eczema reappeared.
Suppose you are the mother; would you proceed to think that even the soy is causing the eczema to occur? Would you be ready to use the lactose free formula again? As has been mentioned previously, eczema is a condition that appears and disappears just as suddenly, giving the child clear skin for more weeks to come.
This is the reason it becomes very hard to determine the exact trigger factor that is causing the eczema.
This is what happened to the 5 month old baby.
Although there is truth in the fact that food allergies can trigger eczema, there is no reason to believe that the baby's eczema might be caused by the lactose free formula Experts believe that the baby might have caught the allergy due to milk proteins or even from soy proteins.
But it is not possible that the allergy could be caused due to lactose, which is a sugar.
The mother has the option of shifting the diet to include lactose free formula.
However, experts claim that lactose does not include any formula that can cure the eczema.
Even if this does happen, it can only be a coincidence.
Lactose usually develops symptoms such as diarrhea, gas and instant fussiness.
If you find that you are in the same situation, the best thing for you to do would be to take your baby to a pediatrician.
Medical expertise is always more reliable than hearsay.
Be sure to let your pediatrician know that you have reason to suspect that the baby is allergic to milk based soy formula.
Your pediatrician should be able to let you know whether these formulas actually do worsen the eczema.
Alomentum, Nutramigen and other Hypoallergic formula may be prescribed.
Allergy test is one test your pediatrician may advice you on.
Allergy test is done through the process of blood testing.
If you have positively identified certain food or drinks on consumption of which your baby's eczema has worsened, it is best to avoid them.
However, before taking any action, be sure to talk to pediatrician about it.
He will know best what action to take.
There are some children who suffer both from food allergy and eczema.
These two conditions, however, do not affect one another.
Knowing treatments for eczema is a good move to make.
Always follow the pediatrician's prescription and you will not go wrong.
Following a professional's advice will ensure that you are following the right medication.