Dangers Of Passive Smoking
We all know that smoking is bad.
But even if you don't smoke, you can still suffer from the deadly effects of cigarettes.
How is this so? Scientists have found that people who are near smokers can be affected by cigarette smoke, sometimes in more severe ways than the smokers themselves.
These individuals may suffer from headaches, asthma attacks, or even cancer.
Such are the dangers of second-hand or passive smoking.
"The inhaling of second-hand smoke causes your heart to beat faster, your blood pressure to increase, and the level of carbon monoxide in your blood to increase.
Sidestream smoke from a burning cigarette contains twice as much tar and nicotine as does the inhaled smoke, three times as much of a compound called 3,4-benzpyrene (a cancer-causing agent), five times as much carbon monoxide, and possibly 50 times as much ammonia," according to Dr.
David E.
Larson, editor-in-chief of the "Mayo Clinic Family Health Book..
" "Clearly people with respiratory or heart conditions, and the elderly in general, are at special health risk when exposed to second-hand smoke," Larson added.
Children appear to be at the losing end when it comes to passive smoking.
A US government report said that kids whose parents smoke or who are exposed to sidestream smoke usually end up with respiratory problems.
In the United States, between 15,000 and 300,000 cases of severe respiratory ailments like bronchitis and pneumonia in children less than 18 months of age have been linked to passive smoking.
The same is responsible for about 8,000 to 20,000 asthma cases a year in children.
But that's not all.
Over 50 childhood ailments have been blamed on passive smoking.
A British report that reviewed 143 scientific studies over the past 20 years found that passive smoking can cause sore throats and eyes, sneezing, and coughs.
The study made by Dr.
Anne Charlton, director of the Cancer Research Campaign's Education and Child Studies Research Group at Manchester University, also showed a connection between second-hand smoke and serious diseases like cot deaths, meningitis, cystic fibrosis, and congenital heart disease.
The greatest threat posed by sidestream smoke, however, is lung cancer.
A report made by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said some 3,000 nonsmokers who live with smokers are in danger of contracting lung cancer later.
What's the reason behind this? Experts say the carcinogens in sidestream smoke appear to affect nonsmokers greater than smokers.
Because of this, more than 30 US states have enacted laws limiting smoking in public places.
(Next: How to quit smoking.
But even if you don't smoke, you can still suffer from the deadly effects of cigarettes.
How is this so? Scientists have found that people who are near smokers can be affected by cigarette smoke, sometimes in more severe ways than the smokers themselves.
These individuals may suffer from headaches, asthma attacks, or even cancer.
Such are the dangers of second-hand or passive smoking.
"The inhaling of second-hand smoke causes your heart to beat faster, your blood pressure to increase, and the level of carbon monoxide in your blood to increase.
Sidestream smoke from a burning cigarette contains twice as much tar and nicotine as does the inhaled smoke, three times as much of a compound called 3,4-benzpyrene (a cancer-causing agent), five times as much carbon monoxide, and possibly 50 times as much ammonia," according to Dr.
David E.
Larson, editor-in-chief of the "Mayo Clinic Family Health Book..
" "Clearly people with respiratory or heart conditions, and the elderly in general, are at special health risk when exposed to second-hand smoke," Larson added.
Children appear to be at the losing end when it comes to passive smoking.
A US government report said that kids whose parents smoke or who are exposed to sidestream smoke usually end up with respiratory problems.
In the United States, between 15,000 and 300,000 cases of severe respiratory ailments like bronchitis and pneumonia in children less than 18 months of age have been linked to passive smoking.
The same is responsible for about 8,000 to 20,000 asthma cases a year in children.
But that's not all.
Over 50 childhood ailments have been blamed on passive smoking.
A British report that reviewed 143 scientific studies over the past 20 years found that passive smoking can cause sore throats and eyes, sneezing, and coughs.
The study made by Dr.
Anne Charlton, director of the Cancer Research Campaign's Education and Child Studies Research Group at Manchester University, also showed a connection between second-hand smoke and serious diseases like cot deaths, meningitis, cystic fibrosis, and congenital heart disease.
The greatest threat posed by sidestream smoke, however, is lung cancer.
A report made by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said some 3,000 nonsmokers who live with smokers are in danger of contracting lung cancer later.
What's the reason behind this? Experts say the carcinogens in sidestream smoke appear to affect nonsmokers greater than smokers.
Because of this, more than 30 US states have enacted laws limiting smoking in public places.
(Next: How to quit smoking.