How to Stop a Biting Quaker Parrot
- 1). Remain calm when your Quaker Parrot bites you. Quaker Parrots respond to drama. If you yell or scream and grab your hand away, the Quaker Parrot will enjoy the reaction. It may bite you again to see if it can get the same type of reaction. The more you react dramatically to a bite, the more you reinforce your Quaker Parrot's bad behavior. Even if the bite hurts, you should remain calm and quiet.
- 2). Tell the bird not to bite. Use a consistent verbal cue. Quaker Parrots are intelligent birds that can learn to understand a wide range of words, phrases and commends. Decide on a verbal reprimand that you will use every time your Quaker Parrot bites you. It should be something simple like "Don't bite" or "No biting" said in a calm, even tone. Be sure to use the same words every time you tell your Quaker Parrot not to bite.
- 3). At the same time as you give the verbal command, shake the Quaker Parrot gently by moving your hand or arm or wherever the bird is perched. Don't shake too much. Just do it enough to catch the Quaker Parrot off balance so it is distracted from its biting behavior.
- 4). If your Quaker Parrot tries to bite again, repeat the verbal reprimand and the "earthquake." It may take some time, but if you apply this method consistently the Quaker Parrot will learn that biting is not acceptable and that it causes an unpleasant consequence (being put off balance). Eventually, if you notice that your Quaker Parrot's body language shows that it is about to bite you, just using the verbal cue will be enough to stop it.