Over-the-Counter Treatments for Arthritis in Dogs
- Arthritis affects dogs and humans alike.sleeping dogs lie image by Martin Woodward from Fotolia.com
According to the experts at Cactus Canyon, arthritis in dogs is often caused by osteoarthritis and the types, causes and symptoms are nearly identical to that of humans. Cold may increase your dog's arthritic symptoms. Placing a heating blanket on your dog's bedding may help to relieve pain and stiffness. Many oral and topical over-the-counter medications are also available. As with any digestible substance, quantities depend on a variety of factors such as weight. Some oral medications may not be appropriate for your dog for a variety of reasons. Check with your veterinarian for advice and proper dosing instructions. - Alfalfa can have a soothing effect on swollen joints. Depending on your dog's weight, make a tea with 1 tsp. to 3 tsp. of dried alfalfa leaves. The tea can be placed in a bowl for your dog to drink, or mixed with canned or dry food at each feeding.
- According to the Dog Arthritis Care Guide, greenlip and perna mussels can help restore damaged joint tissues. If using fresh shellfish is not an option, you can purchase a shellfish extract from your local pet health store.
- Yucca is an herb containing natural steroids that may help to ease pain brought on by arthritis. The Dog Arthritis Care Guide states that many veterinarians are highly recommending yucca supplements for the treatment of arthritis as well as hip dysplasia.
- Some people may not realize that many vegetables are good for dogs. Vegetables contain valuable nutrients including B vitamins, which assist the body in absorbing calcium. Your dog can have asparagus, cabbage, broccoli (may produce gas), carrots and parsley. Your dog may eat these without coaxing but if not, you can chop them and add them to your dog's food.
- Many dogs seem to enjoy a good massage, especially if they are in pain. Using herbal massage oils on your dog's aching limbs can help to relax and sooth their joints. Be sure to check with your veterinarian, as some herbs may cause adverse reactions when combined with certain medications your dog may be taking.
- Liquid glucosamine is a natural product that has little to no known side effects in dogs or humans. This natural product is derived from chitin found in the shells of shellfish. For many people who take glucosamine, it works better for arthritic pain than many anti-inflammatory drugs, and it has been known to regenerate lost joint cartilage, according to an article by Cactus Canyon. Liquid glucosamine also comes in pill form and is typically combined with chondroitin, another cartilage-rebuilding substance.This product can be purchased in pet health stores. Please follow instructions on the label.
Massage Oil
Liquid Glucosamine