How To Get Your Man Back
Dealing with a breakup with someone you love is never easy. The very first thing you need to focus on is your emotional state, and understand that you have to be able to think clearly before you are going to be able to change anything.
If you really want to win your man back then the first step is by accepting the break up. This doesn't mean you have to completely let go, but allow your him to be able to see that you have gotten over the relationship. The last thing that you want to do right now is come across as desperate, as it will possibly annoy him and lead him further from you. Desperation is your biggest enemy, and it could lead your man to feeling that you will always be there waiting for him, so he will quickly lose his appreciation for your presence.
You need to get back some of the control and get him to start thinking about you. The best way to do that is to stop allowing him to know what you are thinking. Allow him to create his own thoughts and second guess himself about what you are doing. Be mysterious and unavailable to him, a good way is to not drop everything for him when he asks you for something or to go somewhere, and simply tell him that you are busy or incapable of doing so. Don't talk to his friends and family about how much you want him back and make sure he has no access to what is going on in your life.
Creating this aura of mysticism will make you much more attractive to him. You could even enhance this process by dieting and working out regularly... hit him with everything you've got. And you know what, if it still doesn't work out then you will at least be positioned emotionally to start dating again. Confidence comes from within and it's something you can't fake. A man loves a confident woman who knows that she is valuable.
Don't follow your ex boyfriend around if you are hoping to ever get back in his good graces. This will just get interpreted by him as stalking and that is not attractive in the least bit. Let him chase you... don't be so quick to worry about where he is. Indulge in making yourself better. By worrying for yourself, he may regain his want for you, and fully appreciate the relationship that you and him once had.
If you really want to win your man back then the first step is by accepting the break up. This doesn't mean you have to completely let go, but allow your him to be able to see that you have gotten over the relationship. The last thing that you want to do right now is come across as desperate, as it will possibly annoy him and lead him further from you. Desperation is your biggest enemy, and it could lead your man to feeling that you will always be there waiting for him, so he will quickly lose his appreciation for your presence.
You need to get back some of the control and get him to start thinking about you. The best way to do that is to stop allowing him to know what you are thinking. Allow him to create his own thoughts and second guess himself about what you are doing. Be mysterious and unavailable to him, a good way is to not drop everything for him when he asks you for something or to go somewhere, and simply tell him that you are busy or incapable of doing so. Don't talk to his friends and family about how much you want him back and make sure he has no access to what is going on in your life.
Creating this aura of mysticism will make you much more attractive to him. You could even enhance this process by dieting and working out regularly... hit him with everything you've got. And you know what, if it still doesn't work out then you will at least be positioned emotionally to start dating again. Confidence comes from within and it's something you can't fake. A man loves a confident woman who knows that she is valuable.
Don't follow your ex boyfriend around if you are hoping to ever get back in his good graces. This will just get interpreted by him as stalking and that is not attractive in the least bit. Let him chase you... don't be so quick to worry about where he is. Indulge in making yourself better. By worrying for yourself, he may regain his want for you, and fully appreciate the relationship that you and him once had.