Mortal Kombat Cheats for PSP
- Handheld gaming goes¡Àa paseando image by Marco Antonio Fdez. from
Mortal Kombat: Unchained on the handheld Sony PSP is just one of the many editions of the classic fighting game. Originating in the mid-1990s, it quickly grew infamous because of its outlandish characters, devastatingly brutal fighting moves and exceptional gore. Unchained features new characters, new modes of play like the strategic Chess Kombat and many more updates. - There are dozens of characters available in this game, and each character has several costumes to wear. Fighting through the game and beating opponents can help you open new costumes to personalize the look of your character. This can take a lot of game time, which can drain a lot of your battery power from your PSP. Use a simple code to unlock all of the costumes in the game. At the start menu, press up, down, up, down, square and square. A tone will chime, indicating you entered the cheat correctly. Start a game and select your character. All of his costumes will be available as well as all costumes of every other character.
- Mileena is a scantily clad yet deadly ninja player who has proven to be popular with both female and male players. One of the hidden pieces in this game is a piece called Sexy Mileena. This is video of stills and action moments featuring Mileena. This production piece is well-hidden. The first step to finding this video is to gain 217 sapphire Koins. These coins are blue and are collected by defeating opponents and are also scattered throughout the levels in hidden spots. Once you have 217 sapphire Koins, go to the main menu and enter The Krypt. In this area, there is a grave marked GT. This cryptic tombstone is Mileena's. Click on the grave and you will be given the option to open it. Spend your coins and the grave will open, revealing Sexy Millena.
- There are many kinds of coins to collect in this game. You get these coins for defeating opponents and finishing quests. One hard-to-find type of coin is the Jade Koin. There is an easy way to pick up 400 Jade Koins. Go into Konquest mode and enter the Order Realm. Look on the blue side of the map and find the middle ring in the World's Strange Configuration. There should be three large white domes in the ring. These domes are homes for the everyday people of the Outer Realms. Find the old man standing in front of the top dome. He will tell you that the boxes in the homes are impossible for him to move and he asks you to move them for him. Go into the houses, collect all the boxes and bring them back to him. He will give you 400 Jade Koins for your trouble. This heavily rewarded mission is one of the easiest, yet is well hidden as few people bother to check the domes for missions.
All Costumes Cheat
Sexy Mileena
400 Jade Koins