What Treatments Are Effective for Methamphetamine Abusers?
Updated April 02, 2014.
Written or reviewed by a board-certified physician. See About.com's Medical Review Board.
Question: What Treatments Are Effective for Methamphetamine Abusers?
Behavioral therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral and contingency-management interventions, are currently the most effective treatment for methamphetamine addiction.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a 16-week comprehensive behavioral treatment approach known as the Matrix Model has been found effective in reducing methamphetamine abuse.
It combines behavioral therapy, family education, counseling, 12-step support, drug testing and encouragement for non-drug-related activities.
Incentive-based therapy programs have also been found effective for the treatment methamphetamine abuse. Contingency management interventions, for example, provide tangible incentives for maintaining abstinence and continuing treatment.
Motivational Incentives for Enhancing Drug Abuse Recovery (MIEDAR), is another incentive-based method that has proven effective through the National Drug Abuse Clinical Trials Network.
Back to: Methamphetamine FAQ
National Institute on Drug Abuse. "Methamphetamine." Research Report Series Updated September 2013
The Partnership at DrugFree.org. "Methamphetamine." Drug Guide. Accessed March 2014.
Written or reviewed by a board-certified physician. See About.com's Medical Review Board.
Question: What Treatments Are Effective for Methamphetamine Abusers?
Behavioral therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral and contingency-management interventions, are currently the most effective treatment for methamphetamine addiction.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a 16-week comprehensive behavioral treatment approach known as the Matrix Model has been found effective in reducing methamphetamine abuse.
It combines behavioral therapy, family education, counseling, 12-step support, drug testing and encouragement for non-drug-related activities.
Incentive-based therapy programs have also been found effective for the treatment methamphetamine abuse. Contingency management interventions, for example, provide tangible incentives for maintaining abstinence and continuing treatment.
Motivational Incentives for Enhancing Drug Abuse Recovery (MIEDAR), is another incentive-based method that has proven effective through the National Drug Abuse Clinical Trials Network.
Pharmaceutical Treatment
There are approved medications that can help people to quit using alcohol, cocaine, and heroin, but currently there are no pharmacological treatments approved for methamphetamine abuse. Research is underway on some promising medical treatment to reduce meth use and prolong abstinence, but thus far none have been approved.Back to: Methamphetamine FAQ
National Institute on Drug Abuse. "Methamphetamine." Research Report Series Updated September 2013
The Partnership at DrugFree.org. "Methamphetamine." Drug Guide. Accessed March 2014.