5 Clues to Why You Are Settling When it Comes to Love
I recently spoke with a guy who claims that finding love is too hard, and with a *sigh*, he said, "I'll have to resort to escorts.
" Now, he was joking about the escort, but still..
that is an example of what some gay men are experiencing when it comes to falling in love - and I think sometimes it takes extreme change and awareness to finally get to the point where settling isn't a choice anymore.
Personally, I believe you know.
You know what your options are.
I really think you believe in the fairytale ending too, but somewhere along the trip you've squashed the dream way down underneath all your pain.
Sometimes you even get a glimpse of what it might look like being with a wonderful man, expressing your love, in a committed monogamous relationship, right? Why do we settle? Well, my idea is, you settle, because you view yourself as not being good enough.
Your self-esteem is low and you'll do whatever it takes to seek the love that you desire.
Now, think about this.
What if I said that your self-esteem is actually very strong and all you need to do is look within and tap into that resource? I know, I'm starting to sound all woo-woo, but my point is, finding love with another person starts when you find love with in yourself.
Take a moment, clear some space in your day, sit down and start getting curious about where you might be settling in your life? Does your job's salary not match your talents and dedication? Does your boyfriend play around with other men; you're accepting of it, when deep down inside, it's not ok.
Are you putting off starting your own business, because you think it's just a pipe dream and you'll never do it for whatever reason? 5 Clues To Why You Are Settling Now it's time to take a stance, and tell yourself that you are done settling; all done.
I believe in you.
Well, let me give you 5 Clues to Why You're Settling.
They will help you recognize when it's happening, so you can say, I'm Done! 1.
You've claimed the, "I'm always meeting the wrong guy", Ticket.
Actually, you meet so many "wrong guys" that, from here on out you will continue to do so until you start recognizing what is so off about the men you meet.
Importantly, what's going on in yourself to attract men, who are not up to your standards? After all, we attract who we are.
You've designed the perfect man (in your head) and when you go out and try to find him, you blame the world that there aren't any good men left.
Guys, let's face it.
We're guys and for the most part, when we envision the man we want to spend our days with, we can go little above and beyond what's truly realistic.
Take a deep and close look at the man of your dreams and check in to see if it's based on reality or a yearning or an feeling of emptiness.
You're not over your last relationship.
So, you're with someone new and you thought you've found Mr.
Right again, but after some time, you start comparing it to your last relationship, because you believed he was your one true love.
Your current partner is sensing that and is starting to pull away from you, because he sees you are not in it 100%.
Just know you can fall in love many times over.
Each time is true and first.
Stop settling by believing that you will never find true love again...
you will.
I'm moody and that's just the way I am.
Well, how many guys have been put off by your mood swings? Remember, you are not your moods and you might want to do some self-reflecting to begin to understand why it is you're so hostile.
Stop settling, by not living your life in anger and pain and start releasing whatever emotional turmoil you are going through.
You and everyone around you will love you for it.
You haven't loved the wounded little boy enough.
Do you cringe when you think about being around other gay guys? You walk you walk into a room filled with gay men, and you panic and become anxious.
There is a reason for that, and it has nothing to do with the men in that room.
It has to do with you.
Once you start forming a bond with that hurt little boy inside you and start asking him what he needs, your confidence will soar.
That's why single gay men come to me, because they are ready to commit to NOT settling anymore in any area of their lives, especially LOVE.
Love is a gift, a gift we all hold, and once you can let go of the settling, you will then be able to unleash your love and be loved in return.
" Now, he was joking about the escort, but still..
that is an example of what some gay men are experiencing when it comes to falling in love - and I think sometimes it takes extreme change and awareness to finally get to the point where settling isn't a choice anymore.
Personally, I believe you know.
You know what your options are.
I really think you believe in the fairytale ending too, but somewhere along the trip you've squashed the dream way down underneath all your pain.
Sometimes you even get a glimpse of what it might look like being with a wonderful man, expressing your love, in a committed monogamous relationship, right? Why do we settle? Well, my idea is, you settle, because you view yourself as not being good enough.
Your self-esteem is low and you'll do whatever it takes to seek the love that you desire.
Now, think about this.
What if I said that your self-esteem is actually very strong and all you need to do is look within and tap into that resource? I know, I'm starting to sound all woo-woo, but my point is, finding love with another person starts when you find love with in yourself.
"Would you do whatever it took to seek the love within yourself - that love which you desire from another?" - GHAnother theory I have, is when you settle, you're working so hard at seeking acceptance from another person, that you will do almost anything to attain it, like compromise your values and requirements that are essential for a healthy relationship, but in reality, you're really trying to accept yourself - for who you are -you just don't know it yet.
Take a moment, clear some space in your day, sit down and start getting curious about where you might be settling in your life? Does your job's salary not match your talents and dedication? Does your boyfriend play around with other men; you're accepting of it, when deep down inside, it's not ok.
Are you putting off starting your own business, because you think it's just a pipe dream and you'll never do it for whatever reason? 5 Clues To Why You Are Settling Now it's time to take a stance, and tell yourself that you are done settling; all done.
I believe in you.
Well, let me give you 5 Clues to Why You're Settling.
They will help you recognize when it's happening, so you can say, I'm Done! 1.
You've claimed the, "I'm always meeting the wrong guy", Ticket.
Actually, you meet so many "wrong guys" that, from here on out you will continue to do so until you start recognizing what is so off about the men you meet.
Importantly, what's going on in yourself to attract men, who are not up to your standards? After all, we attract who we are.
You've designed the perfect man (in your head) and when you go out and try to find him, you blame the world that there aren't any good men left.
Guys, let's face it.
We're guys and for the most part, when we envision the man we want to spend our days with, we can go little above and beyond what's truly realistic.
Take a deep and close look at the man of your dreams and check in to see if it's based on reality or a yearning or an feeling of emptiness.
You're not over your last relationship.
So, you're with someone new and you thought you've found Mr.
Right again, but after some time, you start comparing it to your last relationship, because you believed he was your one true love.
Your current partner is sensing that and is starting to pull away from you, because he sees you are not in it 100%.
Just know you can fall in love many times over.
Each time is true and first.
Stop settling by believing that you will never find true love again...
you will.
I'm moody and that's just the way I am.
Well, how many guys have been put off by your mood swings? Remember, you are not your moods and you might want to do some self-reflecting to begin to understand why it is you're so hostile.
Stop settling, by not living your life in anger and pain and start releasing whatever emotional turmoil you are going through.
You and everyone around you will love you for it.
You haven't loved the wounded little boy enough.
Do you cringe when you think about being around other gay guys? You walk you walk into a room filled with gay men, and you panic and become anxious.
There is a reason for that, and it has nothing to do with the men in that room.
It has to do with you.
Once you start forming a bond with that hurt little boy inside you and start asking him what he needs, your confidence will soar.
That's why single gay men come to me, because they are ready to commit to NOT settling anymore in any area of their lives, especially LOVE.
Love is a gift, a gift we all hold, and once you can let go of the settling, you will then be able to unleash your love and be loved in return.