How to Compare Garmin GPS Systems
- You can compare GPS systems within a product line on the Garmine website. Choose the product line you want to compare, such as "On the Go" or "On the Trail" and pick a sub-group like automotive. When all of the choices pop up, check the box next to the products you want to compare. Garmin opens a new window with the specifications for the two units side by side.
- A simple comparison of different GPS units is by price. On the Garmin website once you have narrowed down your categories, a list of units for sale pops up. You can choose to put them in order by price, in either ascending or descending order.
- A more detailed comparison can be made by looking at the user manuals for each product you are considering. The manuals can be found on the Garmin website under the "Support" menu.
Using the Compare Program
By Price
Using Manuals