5 Tips to Increase Your Milk Production
As pregnancy progresses the excitement to become a mother is increasing as well, especially when it's your first baby.
But not only the excitement of meeting your baby soon that increases, the anxiousness also increases.
Being a first time mum where you know everything only in theory, it's time for you to make a certain decision now when the baby not even born such as breastfeeding.
You probably know by now that breastfeeding is very important and probably the best thing for your baby.
Breastfeeding is highly recommended especially for the first 6 months.
You probably hear lots of story where someone's breast milk production is not enough and it prompted her to switch to formula milk.
This article will share 5 tips to increase breast milk production.
There are 5 tips that you can do to help you increase your milk production after your baby is born 1.
The first 2 days after your baby is born keep breastfeding her/him every time the baby asks even thoughthere's not much of it there.
The first few days are very important for your breastmilk production so lots of stimulation from your baby makes an important role on your milk production.
Drink plenty of water as the amount of water you consumed correlates with your breast milk production.
Don't start a diet yet instead eat a lot of healthy food such as fruit and veggies.
Eat a lot of beans nuts and grains 5.
Try to pump your breast milk every 1.
5 hours after you breastfed your baby and stored your pumped breast milk in the freezer.
The stored breast milk can be used when your baby still hungry after you feed him/her later.
If you follow tips described in the previous paragraph, you don't have to worry that you don't have enough breastmilk for your baby.
All you need to do is to follow the tips and learn how to pump your breast as pumping can be tricky especially if you never done it before.
But not only the excitement of meeting your baby soon that increases, the anxiousness also increases.
Being a first time mum where you know everything only in theory, it's time for you to make a certain decision now when the baby not even born such as breastfeeding.
You probably know by now that breastfeeding is very important and probably the best thing for your baby.
Breastfeeding is highly recommended especially for the first 6 months.
You probably hear lots of story where someone's breast milk production is not enough and it prompted her to switch to formula milk.
This article will share 5 tips to increase breast milk production.
There are 5 tips that you can do to help you increase your milk production after your baby is born 1.
The first 2 days after your baby is born keep breastfeding her/him every time the baby asks even thoughthere's not much of it there.
The first few days are very important for your breastmilk production so lots of stimulation from your baby makes an important role on your milk production.
Drink plenty of water as the amount of water you consumed correlates with your breast milk production.
Don't start a diet yet instead eat a lot of healthy food such as fruit and veggies.
Eat a lot of beans nuts and grains 5.
Try to pump your breast milk every 1.
5 hours after you breastfed your baby and stored your pumped breast milk in the freezer.
The stored breast milk can be used when your baby still hungry after you feed him/her later.
If you follow tips described in the previous paragraph, you don't have to worry that you don't have enough breastmilk for your baby.
All you need to do is to follow the tips and learn how to pump your breast as pumping can be tricky especially if you never done it before.