Exercises For The Eyes That Can Improve Eyesight Naturally
Eye Exercise 1 Look up without moving your head and focus on something above - it could be a picture, a dot, anything that requires you to focus on it but causes no strain either to your neck or eyes.
This motion should be done several times.
Thereafter repeat the same exercise but this time you need to focus your eyes on something on the ground and again this needs to be repeated several times in order to exercise your eye muscles.
This is a good eye strengthening exercise that anyone can do anytime, sitting or standing.
Eye Exercise 2 If you want better eyesight without glasses simply learn to blink - by focusing on day to day problems as we all no doubt do, we instinctively become overtly focused which in turn increased the dryness within the eye area.
Become aware of this fact.
Done effortlessly, not staring for too long at a time is probably one of the most effective exercises that can improve vision simply.
Eye Exercise 3 Focus on a particular object far away, then quickly bring your focus onto another object closer to you.
This may sound simple but put another way in running for example, the more you exercise your legs the better your leg muscles become and so too it is with your eyes.
In this exercise both your eyes and the surrounding muscles can become stronger due to the rapid focus that is being applied to that area.
Eye Exercise 4 Keeping your neck straight simply rotate the pupils of your eyes up and down and then simply from left to right, again without moving your head.
Thereafter rotate your eyes slowly in a circular rotation firstly one way and then the other.
Repeat twice.
Eye Exercise 5 This is not so much an exercise but a way of life - regardless to ones age thinking your eyesight will go bad is, in my opinion the same as wishing it will.
Understandably there are many factors to take into consideration regarding the overall health of ones eyes, diet, hereditary factors, the care and attention you give your eyes, but just as you need to look after your body on a daily basis, e.
, food, exercise, rest and relaxation etc.
, your eyes need to be 'fed' positive thoughts.
Without proper care and attention they too will deteriorate along with your body as well as your mind.
Give yourself a fighting chance.
The above exercises for the eyes may appear to some as inadequate, but do not be fooled by their simplicity.
Unfortunately perhaps I am a good example of this, though not specifically with eyesight but with hearing.
I had convinced myself my hearing was going bad, which I might add was me quite simply not having paid attention to what people were saying.
If I hadn't heard it in the first place how on earth could the information be retrieved thereafter.
However, this fact eluded me for sometime and I was actually on the verge of buying what was back then an expensive hearing aid.
What changed? My self belief.
I had got to the point where I had literally convinced myself I couldn't hear and guess what, I actually couldn't.
I became almost deaf overnight.
I do not say this to impress you but to impress upon you the importance of believing your eyesight can remain good, regardless of age.
This motion should be done several times.
Thereafter repeat the same exercise but this time you need to focus your eyes on something on the ground and again this needs to be repeated several times in order to exercise your eye muscles.
This is a good eye strengthening exercise that anyone can do anytime, sitting or standing.
Eye Exercise 2 If you want better eyesight without glasses simply learn to blink - by focusing on day to day problems as we all no doubt do, we instinctively become overtly focused which in turn increased the dryness within the eye area.
Become aware of this fact.
Done effortlessly, not staring for too long at a time is probably one of the most effective exercises that can improve vision simply.
Eye Exercise 3 Focus on a particular object far away, then quickly bring your focus onto another object closer to you.
This may sound simple but put another way in running for example, the more you exercise your legs the better your leg muscles become and so too it is with your eyes.
In this exercise both your eyes and the surrounding muscles can become stronger due to the rapid focus that is being applied to that area.
Eye Exercise 4 Keeping your neck straight simply rotate the pupils of your eyes up and down and then simply from left to right, again without moving your head.
Thereafter rotate your eyes slowly in a circular rotation firstly one way and then the other.
Repeat twice.
Eye Exercise 5 This is not so much an exercise but a way of life - regardless to ones age thinking your eyesight will go bad is, in my opinion the same as wishing it will.
Understandably there are many factors to take into consideration regarding the overall health of ones eyes, diet, hereditary factors, the care and attention you give your eyes, but just as you need to look after your body on a daily basis, e.
, food, exercise, rest and relaxation etc.
, your eyes need to be 'fed' positive thoughts.
Without proper care and attention they too will deteriorate along with your body as well as your mind.
Give yourself a fighting chance.
The above exercises for the eyes may appear to some as inadequate, but do not be fooled by their simplicity.
Unfortunately perhaps I am a good example of this, though not specifically with eyesight but with hearing.
I had convinced myself my hearing was going bad, which I might add was me quite simply not having paid attention to what people were saying.
If I hadn't heard it in the first place how on earth could the information be retrieved thereafter.
However, this fact eluded me for sometime and I was actually on the verge of buying what was back then an expensive hearing aid.
What changed? My self belief.
I had got to the point where I had literally convinced myself I couldn't hear and guess what, I actually couldn't.
I became almost deaf overnight.
I do not say this to impress you but to impress upon you the importance of believing your eyesight can remain good, regardless of age.