Employment Tips - How to Deal With The Feeling That Your Boss Is Lazy
Finding yourself in a situation where you start thinking that your boss is being lazy, can lead you to begin to feel resentment as well as frustrated. This can put a lot of stress on your job if you boss starts coming in late all the time and then does everything they can to pass off a lot of their duties onto you. This type of behavior is not only stressful but it may get in the way of you getting your own job done and you could end up losing your job or forcing you to go on a job search to find something else. Here are a few things to remember when handling a boss that you think might be lazy.
An important thing to try and remember is that whether you want to believe it or not, all bosses are human and your boss might be dealing with some sort of personal issue in his life and might be having a hard time trying to solve the problem. So, before jumping to conclusions try to show them some respect and try not to make things even more difficult for them. Give them a benefit of a doubt and trust them that they'll snap out of it and they will get their job done.
Make sure that you stay motivated and continue to do your job responsibly. If you are given extra work from the boss it's not a good idea to pout about it and refuse to do your own work. This is only going to hurt your own personal credibility and it could also get you into trouble with your boss or others on the job that might be over your boss. So even if you are doing things that is suppose to be what your boss is doing, continue to do your own assignments as well without complaint.
Try your best to be the peacemaker. It may be pretty stressful around the office and your boss might be annoying you because, even if you are helping them with your work, more than likely they are getting the credit for it. Remain professional at all times and bite the bullet. It is not your responsibility to make a point about it. It is the responsibility of senior management to handle any issues with your boss.
It's a good idea to make sure that you document all of the hard work and dedication that you put into your job. Make sure that your own boss' boss is kept updated on any changes that have been made to any major projects your boss is suppose to be doing. It's also important to save all types of correspondence that shows your boss handing his duties off to you. It can be a written memo or note or an email he sent you. This will be proof of it, should his superiors come by to check up on things.
If this type of behavior continues for an extended amount of time then it's probably a good idea for you to go to your boss' supervisor and show that you are sincerely concerned about your boss and that you think that there might be something wrong. Don't play the blame game, because you really don't know what's going on with your boss. Show you are sincerely concerned and that you are worried about his lack of effective managing at the moment.
An important thing to try and remember is that whether you want to believe it or not, all bosses are human and your boss might be dealing with some sort of personal issue in his life and might be having a hard time trying to solve the problem. So, before jumping to conclusions try to show them some respect and try not to make things even more difficult for them. Give them a benefit of a doubt and trust them that they'll snap out of it and they will get their job done.
Make sure that you stay motivated and continue to do your job responsibly. If you are given extra work from the boss it's not a good idea to pout about it and refuse to do your own work. This is only going to hurt your own personal credibility and it could also get you into trouble with your boss or others on the job that might be over your boss. So even if you are doing things that is suppose to be what your boss is doing, continue to do your own assignments as well without complaint.
Try your best to be the peacemaker. It may be pretty stressful around the office and your boss might be annoying you because, even if you are helping them with your work, more than likely they are getting the credit for it. Remain professional at all times and bite the bullet. It is not your responsibility to make a point about it. It is the responsibility of senior management to handle any issues with your boss.
It's a good idea to make sure that you document all of the hard work and dedication that you put into your job. Make sure that your own boss' boss is kept updated on any changes that have been made to any major projects your boss is suppose to be doing. It's also important to save all types of correspondence that shows your boss handing his duties off to you. It can be a written memo or note or an email he sent you. This will be proof of it, should his superiors come by to check up on things.
If this type of behavior continues for an extended amount of time then it's probably a good idea for you to go to your boss' supervisor and show that you are sincerely concerned about your boss and that you think that there might be something wrong. Don't play the blame game, because you really don't know what's going on with your boss. Show you are sincerely concerned and that you are worried about his lack of effective managing at the moment.