The Truth Why Many Online Businesses Never Get Started and What To Do About It
What I fail to see in this age of the dynamic 'information super highway' is the lack of current offline businesses, even great ideas, failing to make a presence in the online world and get their market share of the billions already being spent in their chosen niches.
You may already have an idea, product or service lying dormant, even contemplating taking your offline business online or just simply awaiting, and relying on, some 'Real' systematic steps to guide you in the right direction.
Amidst the confusion of what really needs to be done to get a successful online business and your website in place, can sometimes be misleading and more often than not, for the total newcomer, downright confusing.
Access to the wrong information from inexperienced sources can soon lead to instant dismissal of an original idea that started off with meaningful intent; passion and the desire to succeed over anything else.
So what happened? Why do so many people give up early when trying to take their business or new venture online? Why do they fail to see it through without having the opportunity to first sow the seeds that will eventually bear the fruits of their labours? Why do they fail to stamp their mark and give it their best shot amongst our 'packed-sardine-style' global community called cyberspace?' Here's the answer...
Sales Letter and Purchase Syndrome.
I call it the "S.
S" factor.
Let's face it, we've all had some SLAPS from time to time, more so the renowned 'information junkie.
' Should this not have been called "Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?" Maybe not, maybe it could, but only in a mild form.
But seriously, you know the type I'm talking about, the ones that can relate to it that is.
This may even be you.
The people that truly want to start an online business but never really get round to it.
Ring a bell? The type that are led in by persuasive copy, buying every piece of online business-building information including: internet marketing courses, seminars, e-books, DVD's, Cd's, Videos and the like, on an ongoing basis and who just can't stop adding to their arsenal of over-priced re-branded information.
The people that sacrifice their current month's mortgage payment in the hopeful return of a 'quick-fix' and a very large 'bucket filled with gold', promised with every over-indulged purchase.
Perhaps a similar-sounding scenario? What actually happens to that information is that it stays on the shelf as 'un-earned' trophies, which for years to come, becomes untouched while staying in pristine condition.
Your spouses, loved ones, friends and work colleagues think you're a total 'fruit cake' but you, the beholder of enough internet marketing information to start your own 'google-like' search engine, maintains its worth as 'Expert Status Material', if and when you do eventually get past page 1 or decide to break the seal on the DVD cover.
Become An Expert By Using What You Already Have.
To be perceived as an expert in your chosen niche only requires the studying of what you already know and love, just by utilizing the information available at your fingertips, or the stuff you have that's gathering dust in your home; the yellowing tinge of book pages confined to their 'pride of place' for months and even years on end.
You can become the expert in your very own online business and offer your interested audience much-needed value without ever being exposed to the SLAPS factor ever again.
Your online business; hobby or favourite pastime CAN easily gain exponential growth in a very short timeframe because you may already be knowledgeable in your field of expertise.
Expand on this by taking the information you have to a worldwide audience and be prepared to accept much food in the form of money, rather than the person pawning the family car to simply to pay the mortgage.
Believe it or not, experts are born this way.
Every guru and mentor you've ever been exposed to that's tried helping you to get you where you want to be, have all been exposed to the 'S.
P' syndrome.
The difference being, they finally put the information to good use; the seals were finally broken on the DVD's, the CD's and videos were burning in the machines that drove them; squeezing out every pixel of information so they too could become experts.
You've already paid a high enough price trying to get an online business started by being over-exposed to multiple 'promise-the-earth' avenues.
Use this information to your advantage and start your own online business.
Have discipline and commitment in your workplace or home office, without the distractions, and you'll soon succeed beyond all recognition with what's already lying in front of you, even if it does take a bit of reverse engineering.
You may already have an idea, product or service lying dormant, even contemplating taking your offline business online or just simply awaiting, and relying on, some 'Real' systematic steps to guide you in the right direction.
Amidst the confusion of what really needs to be done to get a successful online business and your website in place, can sometimes be misleading and more often than not, for the total newcomer, downright confusing.
Access to the wrong information from inexperienced sources can soon lead to instant dismissal of an original idea that started off with meaningful intent; passion and the desire to succeed over anything else.
So what happened? Why do so many people give up early when trying to take their business or new venture online? Why do they fail to see it through without having the opportunity to first sow the seeds that will eventually bear the fruits of their labours? Why do they fail to stamp their mark and give it their best shot amongst our 'packed-sardine-style' global community called cyberspace?' Here's the answer...
Sales Letter and Purchase Syndrome.
I call it the "S.
S" factor.
Let's face it, we've all had some SLAPS from time to time, more so the renowned 'information junkie.
' Should this not have been called "Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?" Maybe not, maybe it could, but only in a mild form.
But seriously, you know the type I'm talking about, the ones that can relate to it that is.
This may even be you.
The people that truly want to start an online business but never really get round to it.
Ring a bell? The type that are led in by persuasive copy, buying every piece of online business-building information including: internet marketing courses, seminars, e-books, DVD's, Cd's, Videos and the like, on an ongoing basis and who just can't stop adding to their arsenal of over-priced re-branded information.
The people that sacrifice their current month's mortgage payment in the hopeful return of a 'quick-fix' and a very large 'bucket filled with gold', promised with every over-indulged purchase.
Perhaps a similar-sounding scenario? What actually happens to that information is that it stays on the shelf as 'un-earned' trophies, which for years to come, becomes untouched while staying in pristine condition.
Your spouses, loved ones, friends and work colleagues think you're a total 'fruit cake' but you, the beholder of enough internet marketing information to start your own 'google-like' search engine, maintains its worth as 'Expert Status Material', if and when you do eventually get past page 1 or decide to break the seal on the DVD cover.
Become An Expert By Using What You Already Have.
To be perceived as an expert in your chosen niche only requires the studying of what you already know and love, just by utilizing the information available at your fingertips, or the stuff you have that's gathering dust in your home; the yellowing tinge of book pages confined to their 'pride of place' for months and even years on end.
You can become the expert in your very own online business and offer your interested audience much-needed value without ever being exposed to the SLAPS factor ever again.
Your online business; hobby or favourite pastime CAN easily gain exponential growth in a very short timeframe because you may already be knowledgeable in your field of expertise.
Expand on this by taking the information you have to a worldwide audience and be prepared to accept much food in the form of money, rather than the person pawning the family car to simply to pay the mortgage.
Believe it or not, experts are born this way.
Every guru and mentor you've ever been exposed to that's tried helping you to get you where you want to be, have all been exposed to the 'S.
P' syndrome.
The difference being, they finally put the information to good use; the seals were finally broken on the DVD's, the CD's and videos were burning in the machines that drove them; squeezing out every pixel of information so they too could become experts.
You've already paid a high enough price trying to get an online business started by being over-exposed to multiple 'promise-the-earth' avenues.
Use this information to your advantage and start your own online business.
Have discipline and commitment in your workplace or home office, without the distractions, and you'll soon succeed beyond all recognition with what's already lying in front of you, even if it does take a bit of reverse engineering.