An Interview with Russell Hornsby (Hank, "Grimm")
When one chooses to be an actor, many go in believing they are about to become the next Tom Cruise or Angelina Jolie. The realistic and serious ones go in with that dream in the back of their minds, but they are in it because they truly love the art of acting.
While some take any role that comes their way, the good ones take the roles that they believe will challenge them as an actor. Such is the case with Grimm star Russell Hornsby, who plays detective Hank Griffin on the fantasy crime drama.
From his starring roles in Lincoln Heights and Gideon's Crossing to the guest starring roles in Grey's Anatomy and The Good Wife, Russell has proved that he has the ability to choose just the right role for his personality and make it memorable.
I had the pleasure of speaking with this incredibly charming and funny actor about playing football, the worst job he ever had before acting and all about his role as Hank in Grimm...
Q: I understand you were a serious football player in high school, how did you go from the field to the stage?
Russell: "It's interesting because the high school I went to was a very small Catholic school and you sort of had to be a jack of all trades, so a lot of guys played two or three sports. A lot of the athletes were in the chorus or doing yearbook and that kind of stuff, so it was very diversified. A friend of mine suggested we go out for the school play and it just became fun and it caught on with me. I'm a ham by nature, I'm corny, I tell corny jokes, I sing corny songs and all that kind of stuff; it fits my personality.
After that, I did all the musicals through the rest of high school. I stopped playing football to do the school play."
Q: Before changing focus, did you have aspirations to play in the NFL after college?
Russell: "No, the dream was really to get a scholarship to play football in college. We had to grow up fast and I got to see how poor athletes were treated. A lot of guys from my school would come back from college and tell you horror stories about how football became a big business to them and wasn't fun anymore. That helped make the decision easier for me."
Q: What was the worst job you ever had?
Russell: "In college, they had this board called 'Quickie Job,' so I've painted houses, worked with a piano mover -- I've done every type of job. I made a deal with myself that I wouldn't do a job that wasn't performance-based or related to performance. I waited tables for about five minutes and got fired and realized this is not for me. I would do market research jobs and check out the region I was calling and would work on my dialect based on that area. I was always then one who would get the most interviews."
Q: Tell us about Hank on Grimm...
Russell: "He's the funny, cynical detective who is in love with love. He's been married and divorced four times -- he's a lover. He meets a woman, finds her attractive and interesting. He has a very cynical way about him because he has seen it all and done it all. He has a wonderful sense of humor."
Q: Do you think Hank will learn the truth about Nick this season?
Russell: "It's possible. It would make it a little more interesting. I'm on pins and needles waiting to find out. The show is only in season one; there are so many stories to tell and so much time for Hank to find out -- and for him to find out in the most interesting and creatively smart way."
Q: Is there any chance your character is a creature?
Russell: "No, I don't think so."
Q: Which creature has been your favorite so far?
Russell: "I would say it's the rat creatures and the reason why is because I am deathly afraid of rats. They interest me so much, even though they are nasty and vile."
Q: How long is the makeup process for the creatures?
Russell: "I don't think it's as much as it used to be because they're using CGI now. It's so quick and they're not in these long scenes as the creature, so it's a quick change. The transition is so fast that they can just CGI-it."
Q: What can you tell us about future episodes?
Russell: "All I can say is that Hank thinks he has found love."
Q: Do you hang out with the other cast members?
Russell: "Yes, but not as much as we used to because everyone is now super-busy. For the first few months we all hung out and then we all got so busy. I go back and forth from Portland to L.A. a lot and many of the other cast members do the same or they have family come up. At least once a month, we all try to get together to have some dinner."
Q: How long does it take to film an episode?
Russell: "Eight days. We could use nine or ten, but we only get eight."
Q: Do you use Twitter to keep in touch with your fans?
Russell: "I just got a Twitter page: @russellhornsby."
Q: Do you get the chance to watch any TV shows in a regular basis?
Russell: "I follow Smash, Blue Bloods and procedural dramas. I watch all the NBC shows... until they cancel them."
Q: Do you have any projects in the works?
Russell: "No, this is a nine-month commitment. Before Grimm, I was doing a play. During my vacation, I am going to spend time with my family."
Q: What would you like to say to the fans?
Russell: "Thank you for your support and please don't be afraid to write in and tell us what you like. The Tweets are one thing, but it's good for us to get letters or emails."