How to Drown Termites
- 1). Mix one part liquid detergent to four parts water in a bucket. This solution will help drown subterranean termites, which live underground. They build mud tunnels to get into the wood below your home.
- 2). Pour the soapy water solution into a garden pump sprayer. Set the garden sprayer to mist and douse the termites' mud tunnels.
- 3). Turn the leaf blower on low and point the mist into the termite tunnels. Leave it on for four hours. Repeat in different areas where termite tunnels are found.
- 4). Drill into infested wood where dry-wood termites are. Use a 1/2-inch drill bit. Drilling into the wood breaks into the termites' tunnel system. Add orange oil. Drill roughly every 5 inches and repeat.
- 5). Inject the orange oil into the drilled areas with a syringe, Orange oil can be purchased at stores which sell eco-friendly pesticides. Syringes can be purchased with the orange oil. Or, use the largest plastic syringe available at medical supply stores.
- 6). Fill all the drilled holes with the orange oil and reapply after two hours. It may take up to five days for all the termites to die, according to a June 2007 study in "Household and Structural Insects."